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Pcr Tests | Tagged Posts

Where Can I Find The Cheapest Antigen or PCR Tests In... ?

Where can I find the cheapest antigen or PCR tests in...

Last updated: May 6, 2022

This blog post contains info about the prices and experiences Canadian travellers have found with obtaining antigen and PCR tests in the United States, Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Europe.

Within each destination I've sorted the reported options by price.

Thanks to everyone that has been contributing with their experiences! I'm sorry that it would be impossible to get back to everyone and thank you individually, but your info is *definitely* helping your fellow travellers. If you have experience with getting an antigen or PCR test that you would like to contribute, feel free to use the contact form (location, price, how long the results took, and any tips are all appreciated).

Self testing kits are now an option for entry back into Canada

On October 25, 2021 Air Canada, in partnership with Switch Health, introduced the RT-LAMP Self Test Kit for $149 CAD.

This is a test kit that a person can take with them on vacation and administer the test themselves, via the Internet. The results take only 45 minutes.

While we Canadians have now been conditioned to look for a 'PCR' test in foreign countries to come home, Canada also accepts both NAAT and RT-LAMP tests for entry (these are much less common in Canada, but you do see them in the U.S. and Europe).

The Switch Health RT-LAMP Self Test Kit is acceptable for entry back into Canada.

And starting February 28th, Canada will also accept the Switch Health antigen self-test kits for entry.

Just don't get confused when you go to the Switch Health Self-Test Kit website, because they also have a PCR self-test kit on the same page. The PCR test kit requires you to physically send the sample back in by mail. And you'll probably find the page jumps to their antigen test kit when it first loads.

As a test valid for entry into Canada, what you *want* is either the RT-LAMP test kit, or the antigen test kit, where the sample is analyzed over the Internet.

If you can't find a reasonably priced (or free) antigen, PCR, NAAT, or LAMP test in the country you're planning to visit the Switch Health self test kits could be worth a look.

The Switch Health LAMP test kits are $149 CAD (1 test), and the antigen test kits are $79 CAD (for 2 tests)

The 45 minute turnaround time with the LAMP tests kit can save some stress versus waiting the typical 24-48 hours for a PCR test result.

The self test kits are not tied to a specific flight or airline (that would be pretty terrible) - meaning you don't necessarily need to use it with an Air Canada flight, they're just the ones promoting it.

Update: Those that have ordered the RT-LAMP Self Test Kit have reported that the expiration date printed on the kit may be as early as December 2021. However, the manufacturer (Lucira) has released some info stating that the expiration date is now 3 months beyond what is shown on the kit (and explains why).

If you're looking for info on what it's like to use the RT-LAMP Self Test Kit, have a look at this detailed blog post.

Update November 26: WestJet introduces a similar self-test kit through Azova

details: https://www.azova.com/westjetswoop/at-home/

It's really the same test that Switch Health is selling (Lucira RT-LAMP test).

Similar to the Switch Health test, you don't need to use the Azova test with a specific airline or flight. WestJet is just the one promoting it.

Note that the Azova test is priced in $USD. Converted to $CAD, it's priced about the same as the Switch Health test.

The self-test kits are not perfect

While most people have no issues, there are definitely stories of people finding that a test kit is defective, or a result coming back as inconclusive.

This can leave a person scrambling to find a test in their destination. Some have suggested to bring a backup test kit in case of failure.

There are also reports of a test kit not containing all the necessary parts on rare occasion. If you carefully open the test kit box before your trip (without breaking any seals, etc) you can check to see that all the parts are there.

I've also heard the test kits may not do as well in checked baggage as they do in carry-on, as the cold temperature in the baggage hold might affect them.

Update: Canada to start accepting antigen tests for entry on February 28th

With Canada starting to allow antigen tests for entry Canadians are starting to wonder where they can find the cheapest antigen tests abroad.

Remember that Canada wants your test to be supervised in some way, so your options are...

1. Find a clinic, pharmacy, medical center, etc, that administers antigen tests. Basically anything but administering the test all by yourself.

In the U.S., Walgreens and CVS offer antigen tests, which Canadians can get for free, the same way they have been with molecular (PCR, NAAT) tests.

For more info on how to get a free test at Walgreens or CVS, see here.

Walgreens also offers a NAAT test known as 'ID NOW'. The ID NOW test may actually be a better option than a rapid antigen test for some people. The ID NOW test results usually take just hours, but you can take it up to 72 hours before your flight home to Canada.

Contrast that with an antigen test, which takes just 15 minutes for results, but needs to be taken within '1 day' of your flight home to Canada.

The other factor to consider is that Canada currently only allows a person to use a previous positive result if it's molecular (PCR, NAAT, LAMP).

2. Use your own antigen self-test, but pay for online medical supervision (aka telehealth).

Supervised telehealth antigen tests are valid for travel to the U.S., and will also be accepted for entry into Canada by *air* starting February 28th.

For *land* entry into Canada, there have been reports of people having issues with telehealth (online) tests if the lab certificate / address is in Canada, because the land border wants your test to be taken in the U.S. (even though you very well may have taken the test in the U.S., over the Internet).

There are no such issues using telehealth testing for air travel entry into Canada.

Here are ten telehealth options where you can use your own antigen test:

1. Life Centers - a health care company based out of Calgary that will supervise you taking an antigen test over the Internet using Google Meets.

You provide your own rapid antigen test(s). It can be any antigen test that is approved by Health Canada, including the free ones that the government gives out.

The price is $20 for the first person, and $5 extra for each person after that (maximum of 4) if you all take the test in the same 15 minute time slot.

They are closed on Sundays.

2. Azova - $20 USD (note the currency) per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision.

3. TeleHippo - $20 CAD per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision. Technically supposed to be for WestJet employees & their families, but they don't care or check. Password is flywestjet

4. MediOneRx - $25 CAD per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision over Zoom.

5. Rapid Test and Trace - $30 CAD per person for telehealth supervision when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. (Scroll down to 'Bookings')

6. Integral Health Solutions - $20 CAD per person for telehealth supervision when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. (Scroll down to 'Bookings')

7. Acculab - $39 CAD per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision.

8. Travel Test - $39 CAD for one person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision.

9. Ichor Blood Services - $40 CAD for one person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision. 2 people are allowed to use the same appointment, bringing the cost down to $20 per person.

10. Rock Doc - $40 CAD for one person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision.




The United States

Anaheim - Anchorage - Atlanta - Bangor - Bellingham - Boise - Boston - Breckenridge - Cathedral City - Charlotte - Chicago - Dallas - Denver - Detroit - El Paso - Fort Lauderdale - Fort Myers - Galveston - Great Falls - Houston - Kalispell - Lake Tahoe - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - Miami - Minneapolis - Monterey - Myrtle Beach - Nashville - New Orleans - New York City - Orlando - Palm Springs - Panama City - Phoenix - Portland - Reno - Sacramento - Salt Lake City - San Diego - San Francisco - Santa Barbara - Seaside - Seattle - Spokane - St. George - Vail - Washington D.C. - Whitefish - Wichita


Honolulu / Oahu - Kauai / Lihue - Maui / Kahului - The Big Island / Kona


Cabo San Lucas - Cancun / Playa del Carmen - Cozumel - Huatulco - Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo - Loreto - Mazatlan - Mexico City - Puerto Escondido - Puerto Vallarta - Tijuana - Tulum

The Caribbean

Aruba - Barbados - Cuba - Curacao - Dominican Republic - Jamaica - Turks & Caicos

Central America

Belize - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Honduras

South America

Brazil - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru


Austria - Belgium - Denmark - England - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal / Azores - Scotland - Spain / Canary Islands - Switzerland - Turkey



The Middle East

Israel - Qatar

East Asia


South Asia





The 'Free' tests at Walgreens or CVS locations across the United States

It is true that many Canadians have been getting 'free' PCR and NAAT tests from Walgreens and CVS locations across the United States and using them as their pre-departure test for entry back into Canada.

Many Canadians will also start getting free antigen tests at Walgreens and CVS once Canada starts accepting antigen tests for entry on February 28th.

However, in the U.S., it can be easier to find free PCR and NAAT tests at Walgreens or CVS than free antigen tests.

These 'free' tests are really being paid for by Uncle Sam. It does not appear to be bothering Uncle Sam, and Walgreens / CVS isn't bothered either, because, well, Uncle Sam is paying *them*.

Canadians have essentially been using made-up info when booking (other than their real name), and Walgreens / CVS only really cares that your name matches when they check your passport or license for identification.

If the booking page at Walgreens or CVS asks for...

Your address: Most have just been using their hotel address.

Your license or ID info: Most have just been entering whatever they want as a number (or their passport number), and the current state they're in.

Your insurance info: Most will just say 'I don't have insurance'.

Update October 30th: I have started to see reports from Canadians that CVS turned them away in Las Vegas.

Is a vehicle required for testing?

Some locations may require you to have a vehicle for the drive-up testing.

Many vacationers have been asking Uber and taxi drivers to take them for their test at Walgreens / CVS (usually with a generous tip).

What to look for when booking the Walgreens / CVS tests

Assuming that you probably want to use the test for entry back into Canada, you'll want to book one of the following options...


- ID NOW: This is a NAAT based rapid test, which is accepted by Canada. It usually takes under 4 hours for results. And being a molecular test, you can take the test up to 72 hours before your flight home to Canada.

The ID NOW test is a solid choice, considering the results are relatively quick, and you still get the 72 hour timeframe.

Not available in California.

- Diagnostic Lab Test (PCR): Your typical PCR test, which takes 24-48 hours for results. I would only choose this one if ID NOW were not available.

- Rapid Antigen Test (Binaxnow): Antigen test. Results in under an hour. You can take the test up to 1 day before your flight home to Canada.

Remember that Canada does not accept positive *antigen* results, only positive *molecular* results (PCR, NAAT, LAMP).


- Molecular lab test (PCR / NAAT). 24-48 hours for results. Can be taken up to 72 hours before your flight home to Canada.

- Rapid result test. This is an antigen test. Results within hours. Can be taken up to 1 day before your flight home to Canada.

The Pros & Cons of the free Walgreens / CVS tests

Pro: They're free.

Cons: While most get their results back in the expected timeframe (24-48 hours), there are some who have found Walgreens / CVS molecular tests to take longer than expected, which can be nerve wracking (antigen tests do not have this issue). And of course, if it takes *too* long, you can't use it for your flight home.

This has forced some to take another last minute test through the private market, which is unlikely to be cheap.

At the bottom of the Walgreens website there's links to their current turnaround times.

Keep in mind that their test turnaround time may be longer on weekends or during holiday periods.

If you're looking for a molecular test option, focus on the 'ID NOW' NAAT test at Walgreens if you can (it's not available at every Walgreens location).

The 'ID NOW' test results are generally quite a bit faster than PCR.

Walgreens / CVS appointments are in 15 minute increments. If there are 3 or 4 of us booked, do we really have to wait for each person?

It will depend on the location but most Canadians have reported that they were able to get tested simultaneously or one right after the other.

Curative Labs also provides free PCR tests across the United States

While not available in every U.S. state, Curative Labs does provide free PCR tests in many of them.

Go to www.curative.com and search the map in the state you're planning to visit.

Click on 'Select Services' to filter it down to PCR test locations only.

Curative will have the same pros and cons as Walgreens / CVS mentioned above.


1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"We had a free CVS covid test by Disneyland. Super friendly drive through. You do it in your car. You just need to make an appointment and the results were ready the next day. Don't book Walgreens as the results were not guaranteed to be quick in the Anaheim location."

2. Free: Covid Clinic - We ended up using Covid Clinic at city hall. It was a quick Uber ride and we got our results back within 30 minutes.

3. Free: Hoag Fly Well Clinic at John Wayne Airport (SNA) - inside the terminal right before security checkpoint. There were 4 of us. I was told that all we needed was drivers licenses as they didn't want passports or nexus.

Told to book 4 appointments online but for all 4 of us show up at the 1st appointment time (we also saved time by completing forms online vs having to fill out at location).

Was told it was free for the PCR test. Arrived at approx 2:00pm. We all were tested, we all waited approx 15-20 mins, had our paper copy results handed to us in the waiting area, & left.

Only thing we paid was $2.00 for parking at this airport.

Chris's note: Looking at the website for Hoag Fly Well Clinic all I see is the mention of a PCR test for $139 USD and taking 2-4 hours for results.

You may want to call first and investigate this further.

jump to: The United States       Index Of Destinations


1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"Free everywhere in town (say no insurance and give them your Canadian drivers license). We went to Walgreens. Results in 24 hours (they didn’t even check our ID)."

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"A lot of the CVS’s and Walgreens don’t do the tests even if they say they do on the site. Also, at CVS, for results it said they had to download their app to read them but the download wouldn’t work, so I had to spend hours on the phone with various CVS people trying to convince them just to email the results."

2. Free: Test 4 Free - They were great. Drive up testing and ended up getting our results back by the end of the following day.

3. Free: Fulton County Board of Health - They got the results back 48 hours from the end of the day when we did the test, so would have been barely in time for our flight.

4. $75 USD: XpresCheck at Atlanta airport (48-96 hours for results) or $250 USD for Rapid PCR

"Our partners at Xpress Spa on Concourse E are now offering Covid-19 testing to the traveling public.".

5. $75 to $195 USD: Sameday Health - I booked a test on their website. Paid in advance. Tested at 10:00 am. Result of the Rapid NAAT test (PCR equivalent) in 1 hour. Cost: $195 US ($250 Cnd).

Antigen tests are also available for $75 USD.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Curative Labs - available at Bangor airport (BGR).

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"A friend of mine gets her tests for free every time at the Walgreens on Meridian in Bellingham. They only open up appointments for days in advance every day at midnight. She recommends booking it as soon as you can. She has also always received results in under 48 hours except for once."

"We did ours at Walgreens on Samish Way in Bellingham. Booked it on Tuesday in Canada for Friday. Results were in by this morning before 8 am. Used our BC license in the application and put in a U.S. address. Showed passport at appointment for ID."

2. Free: Bellingham Airport (BLI) - We just drove across the Sumas border with absolutely no wait and drove direct to the Covid 19 pcr test centre at Bellingham airport. We had pre-booked online. Our appointment was much later in the day but they took us immediately . It was super easy and convenient. We are going for less than 72 hours so we just did it on the way down."

You can find more locations in Whatcom County here if you scroll down.

3. Free: Rite Aid - The Rite Aid in Lynden (22km north of Bellingham) is the easiest spot. They ONLY do PCR tests.

"It took 4 days for our results at Rite Aid. Not reliable."

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $99 USD: Cole Diagnostics - in Garden City. Says within 48 hours but I received mine in 24 hours. Scroll down to the travel section.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Mass General Brigham Urgent Care - I was able to get a free PCR test in Boston through Mass General Brigham at one of their Urgent Care sites (there are multiple locations). You should call to see which locations still have test as I believe they only get so many each per day (+1-844-377-4199). I got the results in about 18 hours through their patient portal which they will sign you up for.

3. $80 USD: CIC Health - 2 Broad Canal Way. Guaranteed results in 24-36 hours including weekends and had it back in just over 18.

4. $159 USD: AFC Urgent Care - Results came back in 3 hours. Results are emailed 24 hours after the test if you don’t want to pick up the paper results in person. Rapid PCR testing is performed there every day for $159 USD. You need to register online ahead of time to reserve a check-in time. Testing stops at 3pm on weekends, not sure on weekdays.

5. $170 USD: Sameday Health It was $170 USD for the 24 hour results, it came within about 12 hours. A colleague of mine did the one hour results for $200 I think and it came after he left the clinic pretty quickly. Booking online was easy, I walked in, no wait, swabbed my nose, out in about 5 minutes.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $99 USD: Cole Diagnostics - in Garden City. Says within 48 hours but I received mine in 24 hours. Scroll down to the travel section.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $135 USD: Novant Health / Go Health - there are plenty of locations around the city. Turnaround Time: 24 hours.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $185 USD: A Pattern Medical Clinic - on Little Debbie Parkway in Ootewah TN, just outside of Chattanooga. They had the results to me in 20 minutes (onsite lab). Regular wait time test would have been $120 USD but I didn’t want to take the chance.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"I took the NAAT ID NOW test (accepted by Canada) at Walgreens for free in Chicago, IL (US) booked an appointment in advance (make sure you fill the right info when scheduling an appointment as you can’t make adjustments). Return time posted as less than 24 hrs and I got the results in about an hour."

"We prebooked 5 PCR tests at a Walgreens in a Chicago suburb for a Saturday flight home. When we went to the appointment we were told by the pharmacist that our results would not be back in time because labs were not open on the weekend."

"We did it at a Walgreens in Hillside IL (35 min west of Chicago) via their drive-through service. Booked ID NOW (NAAT) rapid test appointments 4 days in advance. FREE. Used hotel address and US phone number (bought a 2-week SIM card). Self administered. Results came in 2 hours for me, 18 hours for my husband (even though we swabbed at the same time). Smooth sailing after checking in at ORD."

2. Free to $100 USD: Center For Covid Control - Results emailed within 48 hours for the free PCR test. For $100 USD you can have it guaranteed by 11 AM the next day.

"Paid $100 cash each to have our tests back in 24hrs. 4 out of 5 did come through on time."

2. $145 to $225 USD: Chicago ORD Airport at Doctors Test Centers - I had rapid PCR testing done (45-1hr results) at the Chicago airport. It was $250 USD and super easy to get done. I never stood in a line and it was quick and painless. Slower PCR tests available for $145 USD.

3. $150 USD: ALC Diagnostics - I think it was $200 CAD but I didn’t want to have to worry about not having results in time so I was willing to pay. Convenient location downtown. In and out in 5 mins. Email results by midnight next day.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Heal 360 - PCR drive through test for free. Same day results, if you get the test done before 11 am. They email a PDF. I crossed the border with it yesterday. No issues.

3. $199 to $249 USD: Dallas Fort Worth DFW Airport - Collinson Lab. No appointment was necessary although you can go online to book one. You can get a molecular PCR test and receive results within 60 minutes. The testing center is open from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm. It’s costly at $250USD but worth the peace of mind. Other price options are available for less $ but then you have the stress of waiting.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $125 USD: Advanced Urgent Care Several locations in Denver. 125 US dollars for NAAT test. Results same day, we had ours in 3 hours

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Detroit / Troy / Windsor

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $75 USD: Assure Clinics - news story about $75 USD PCR tests at 3 locations around Detroit and Windsor. One off Jefferson Avenue near the Detroit-Windsor tunnel, another in Mexicantown by the Ambassador Bridge and a third near Detroit Metro Airport.

3. $100 USD: RHB Laboratories - We did the test on a Saturday at 7:30 AM and received the results by 3:00 pm the same day. The nurse came outside to the parking and administered the test while in the car. All the other places we called were between USD $125 and USD $160.00.

4. $100 USD: Neu Urgent Care - Went to this place for a PCR test, it was $100 USD. Results in 15 minutes.

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El Paso

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: UTEP University - We were in El Paso Texas and we used their free drive thru at the university and had results in 12 hours.

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Fort Lauderdale

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Nomi Health - Drive through.

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Fort Myers

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Curative Labs - We just used Curative for our Covid test to return home They offer RAPID RT PCR testing results in 1-3 hours. We booked an appointment a week in advance. Showed up at the testing site in Cape Coral for our 9am appointment waited in line about 30 mins. Did the test and got our results emailed to us an hour later. No cost and super easy!

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $50 USD: West Isle Urgent Care - PCR test results promised within 36 hours if done by 4PM, and they delivered.

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Great Falls

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"We went last week and got the ID Now test at Walgreens (the one by the fair grounds) in Great Falls, it was free and we had our results in less than an hour."

2. Free: Alluvion Health in Great Falls, MT does it for free. Results took 24 hours for me, but they said it could be 1-3 days. It’s just a drive thru so no booking needed. The lady administering the test told me it’s basically only Canadians using the service now.

3. $175 USD: Maria's Health Care - In Shelby, which is on the way to Great Falls. They do the PCR test there and have a lab onsite so we only waited 1 1/2 hours for the results. BUT they also dont have a lab open weekends from what I understand, so keep this in mind! They were lovely people, so helpful.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"For confirmation of identity, they asked us for confirmation numbers from our emails. No ID was checked. Also, no payment was taken. Looking at the drive-thru set-up, it doesn't even look like payment is possible because it's a contactless experience."

"Houston seems to only do drive-thru testing (as there are lots of drive-thru pharmacies in existence already pre-COVID). We tried "walking in" to a Walgreens and were told that we have to make an appointment and that they don't do in-store testing (drive-thru only)."

2. Free: Heal 360 - PCR drive through test for free. Same day results, if you get the test done before 11 am. They email a PDF. I crossed the border with it yesterday. No issues.

"Because we read your blog, were able to get tested in Houston at Heal360 On US Thanksgiving day, and received our (negative) results in less than 14 hours. Booking and registration process was done online. The test site was drive thru (a bit of a drive from downtown, 1/2 hr)..testers were pleasant and results timely. Highly recommended!"

3. $100 USD: i24 Test - Close to the Houston airport they have this weird clinic by the Sheraton named i24 test. Was $100 for one hour results via email. They open at 530am. Was the cheapest/closest/fastest I could find after FedEx didn’t pick the tests up from Walgreens.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

(There have been reports that the Walgreens tests in Kalispell can take 5 days to come back).

2. Free: Logan Health at Kalispell regional hospital is able to provide PCR tests, however they cannot guarantee results within 72 hours.

"We also used Logan Medical this summer when we visited our place. Made appts online and did drive up. Got PCR results in 36 hours. Had to sign up for a Logan Portal account to get our results."

3. $250 USD: Valley Medical in Kalispell, but it cost 250.00 USD per test. That was the only place I could find that offered the rapid PCR in the valley.

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Las Vegas

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

Update October 30th: I have started to see reports from Canadians that CVS turned them away in Las Vegas. The pharmacies in Las Vegas may try to offer an Emed test kit for $25 that they *think* should be acceptable for entry into Canada. They are wrong.

"Locations further from the strip (even just a few minutes) were much easier to get appointments at."

"We just got back. Booked at CVS. Drove through in cab and asked him right away if he was okay doing this. There were 5 of us so paid him 80.00 for this waiting approx 45 minutes."

"One person has reported that the CVS at 4490 Paradise Road told them they were ineligible because they were Canadian."

"I had PCR tests booked at CVS in Las Vegas and was turned away."

"Got a free PCR test @ CVS (self test and drive-through only). Test results are slow, and I had to call in the morning to try and push to find my results, as we were flying in the afternoon. A bit stressful. Test were done Saturday @ 12 noon - results were Monday morning @ 10 am. CVS told me the tests were negative, but it took another one to get an email copy sent to me, to show the airlines (AC). Staff @ CVS were very nice - CVS help desk also very helpful and friendly. Test appointments @ CVS should be made well in advance.

"Walgreens in Vegas is not reliable. I booked a free NAAT ID Now test at a Walgreens 70 hours before departure. Booking was easy and took about 20 min at the drive thru. But am leaving in an hour and have yet to get the results."

"I booked our tests online with the Walgreens drive-through testing location on the Strip. They only let you book 3 or 4 days in advance and it’s a must as spots went fast."

"Got our free PCR/NAAT test at CVS Community Site at 5985 WEST TROPICANA ROAD. No ID required, they just ask for your DOB and verify the spelling of your name. Test done at 3:30pm, results were available next morning by 9:30. Return Uber ride from Aria/ParkMGM was about $24 including the wait time."

"We got both PCR and ID Now test from Walgreens. They were both free even though we used our Canadian drivers license. Results from ID Now took less than 2 hours and PCR was 2 days. Amazing service with Walgreens."

2. Free: UNLV Campus - They had free self-administered PCR tests and vaccines on the UNLV campus from 5-10pm. Results came exactly in 3 days, so it was a bit nerve racking waiting for results. You'll definitely need a car though, because there's generally a line-up depending on which day you go, as tests and vaccines start off as one line then split off towards the end. You can Google it, and pre-register for the tests, so you won't have to register once you get up to the attendee.

3. Free: Curative Labs - We all used the Curative Labs test at Area 15. We entered our hotel address (Caesars Palace at the time) and even uploaded our Canadian Drivers Licences on the website (although I think you could also just say you don’t have identification). You receive your tests result via text message (with a link) as well as in an email. It was 100% free, very fast, and we got the results in about 30 hours. Our test was done on a Friday at about 11:45 am and the results came at about 5 pm on Saturday.

You can use a link they send you that shows a timeline of where the sample is in the process and it appears that all samples are sent at the end of the day (5pm) to San Dimas, California for testing the next day.

There were absolutely no issues and the staff were very friendly.

A great feature about it is that it’s a walk up kiosk so we got an UBER there, did the test, spent a few hours in AREA 15, and then got an Uber back to the strip. I think the entire drive there and back was like $30 USD. Highly recommend it.

"We used Curative for booking and receiving our free PCR test to come back home was simple, easy, and so worth it. My wife received her test result back within 24hrs. Mine took about 36 hrs. Easy to find the location that was close to our hotel and the process was so easy. No issues at the airport in showing the test lab results along with the completed ArriveCAN report. Highly suggest if you are going to Vegas, book your PCR test ahead of time for the day you are landing so it is back before you fly home. They were extremely busy on Friday which is why it took a little longer for the results to come back for me."

"We went to Curative Labs and received a free PCR test. They were extremely busy so it took about 40 hours for results. Note that the lab in San Dimas processes specimens 24 hours around the clock."

4. $90 USD: Worksite Labs - The cheapest we found coming home from Las Vegas at the Orleans Hotel or Main Street Station or Palace Station (Fremont) for 90 dollars USD. It's a drive through but you can walk up if you have an appointment. 10 dollar Uber ride from the strip. That one is verifiable we have used it once already and have it booked for the end of the month again.

"They guarantee results in 12-24h but I got them 5h after I did my test."

"We got our results within 8 hours. It was way cheaper then all the other places. We had to drive off strip to a parkade. Super quick and easy."

"Drive-thru is not mandatory. Results came in 2 hours. Website forces you to book a rapid or express PCR if you enter flight departure date less than 3 days. Just change that date to more than 3 days and book the 90$ test."

"I highly recommend Worksite Labs. Under supervision, you self-test. Very simple, fast procedure, and they ensure the table area is disinfected between each client. We were told results would be emailed to us in 12-24 hours. When we returned to our hotel at 10:00 tonight (7 hours after testing), the results had already been sent to us. On the lab report, the method is recorded as: Atila iAMP NAAT RT-PCR COVID-19 Detection."

5. $120 USD: Pharmatech Online - Booked my CVR Covid test @ Pharmatech online for $120 USD. Professional, close to strip on bus route and had results E Mailed in 24 hours.

"Took my test at 5:50pm had results by 11 am next day"

"PCR test took 24 hours."

6. $150 USD: Optimu Medicine - Took our NAAT test at OptimuMedicine for USD$150 with results in one hour, with appointment. Also Walgreens is offering Diagnostic ID Now test for free with less than 24 hr turnaround which is also a NAAT test but it was hard to find an appointment in time.

"Had our results back in 20 minutes."

7. $160 USD: Health Xpress - They charge $160USD and results in 24 hours. No appointment needed.

8. $179 USD: Cosmopolitan Hotel @ Reviv Spa - It's $179 USD at the Cosmo Spa. I made an appointment at a storefront spa in the Cosmopolitan shops on the second floor called Reviv, did my pcr test. They send it to a reputable lab to be analyzed. Within 30 hr, The results were emailed to me. Very smooth, no need to travel off the strip.

"Results take up to 48 hours but we got ours in less than 24 hours."

9. $200 USD: Covid Check Today - They came to our hotel, did the test and emailed results same day.

"They come to your hotel to test you and you have your results within 24hrs vs 72 hrs at Walgreens. You can also pay a premium and have them in 6hrs and a further premium for 2hrs. Worth it if you’re in a bind I’m sure."

10. $200 USD: E7 Labs - I went to E7 labs. You get the pcr test results in 30-60 mins. I walked there but I saw people show up in cabs and 1 in an Uber. It only takes 4-5 mins. I would do an Uber if I were to do it again.

11. $230 USD: MGM Hotel - At the MGM hotel and they came right to our room. This was for a rapid PCR test (20-30 minutes). Standard PCR test (24-72 hours) is $205.

12. $250 USD: Elite Medical - I paid $250 for mine at Elite Medical and had the results in 4 hours, no appointments needed.

13. $250 USD: E7 Health - Cost $250 USD but had results in an hour. And no more stress!

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Los Angeles

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Curative Labs - Approximate processing time 24-72 hours. It's a self-serve/walk up test so it's a good supplement if you're unsure the other ones will arrive. They also have locations in San Francisco and Seattle.

"Another positive review for Curative! I used them in LA - easy to book online, lots of appointments available, shallow nasal self-swab, results emailed 24 hours later."

3. Free: Heal 360 - PCR drive through test for free. Same day results, if you get the test done before 11 am. They email a PDF. I crossed the border with it yesterday. No issues.

4. Free: Total Testing Solutions - free PCR test for anyone. Drive through with many locations. Make an appointment, drive thru, get results in 24ish hours. Done this twice.

5. Free: Santa Monica Pier - We had a free PCR test at the Santa Monica pier with results in 12 hours.

"Can also confirm free testing at Santa Monica Pier, but results took about 28 hours. No concerns about being Canadian."

6. Free: TCL Chinese Theatre - We got a free PCR test beside the Chinese theatre in Hollywood . No booking required just walk up to the booth, sign up and off you go.

7. $25 USD: City Health - You can book with City Health for $25. They offer the PCR test and results come within 12 hours!

8. $90 USD: Worksite Labs - Results were guaranteed within 24 hours. We scheduled in advance. One of their test locations is a drive-though just outside LAX. We got our results in about 8 hours.

9. $125 USD: LAX Airport - I ended up using the test center at the airport. LAX offers COVID PCR tests starting at 125$ which is reasonable.

"I got the test at LAX, just outside the had a booth set up. $125 USD or $159 CAD. It was a 3-5 hour result turnaround time."

10. $150 USD: Carbon Health charged us $150 US. Got our results back in a timely manner online.

11. $150 USD: Geno Lab / Test In Minutes - If CVS doesn’t work out I suggest going to Geno Lab. They can get you a PCR test result in 2 hours.

"They were able to arrive within an hour of the booking, which felt like a lifesaver at the time. However, the 2-hour window came and went without any test results. I received no email results from Test in Minutes. I discovered after the flight that they did text one of the numbers I provided once to say that the email had been sent, but there is absolutely nothing in either inbox or spam folders."

12. $155 USD: 911 Covid Testing - We used 911 Covid testing Center in LA and had the results in 12 hours for $155 USD. Super easy but expensive.

Cathedral City

1. Free: Curative Labs - We had PCR tests in Cathedral City (California) at the Curative Labs Kiosk near Stadlers Brothers grocery store. Registered online and it was easy. Arrived at the kiosk and did a quick check-in. The whole process was seamless. We had an evening appointment and the results by the following morning. Best of all it was FREE, just indicated no insurance coverage.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Miami-Dade County - Just got back last night from weekend in South Beach Miami. Miami-Dade is giving FREE PCR tests...results in 24 hours. So if you're a returning Canuck this is perfect. Several locations availalble. Includes a rapid Antigen + Molecular PCR test. And they'll give you a FREE booster shot of your preferred Vax if you want. We used the facility at the Miami Cruise Port at Terminal J. Zero lineup, but you can book a time in advance. We had our rapid Antigen results within 30 minutes, and our PCR results arrived in our email after about 6 hours.

3. Free: Miami Beach Convention Center - I was recently in Miami and got my PCR test done for free at the Miami convention centre. The testing is run by the city in the parking lot there. All that is needed is ID, it is free even if you are a foreign citizen with no insurance. They email your results within 24 hours but I got mine in 6 hours. (Unclear if this is still available)

"We got a free test at the Miami Beach Convention Center and they didn't ask any questions! Just showed our ID and got the test. No appt required."

4. Free: Nomi Health - Drive through.

5. $199 USD: Fast Test Now - I used FastTestNow for my return PCR test. I paid $199 USD to get results the same day by 11pm guaranteed. Received the result by email in the promised timeframe. They have a few locations in the Miami and Ft Lauderdale area. You can walk in or make an appointment online.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $199 USD: Wander Test at Minneapolis Airport MSP - Pre-security - results back within an hour. They only offer a PCR and Antigen test. In the summer they also offered the NAAT test, but must have dropped this option.

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Monterey / Seaside

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: LHI Care / Optum / UnitedHealth - there were a number of locations and I chose the one that suited my travel plans well. I made an appointment.

The results were promised within 3 days but it only took 1.5 (tested early Friday and received results Sat evening). Here is some info on the site I went to:

Salvation Army, 1491 Contra Costa - Open Monday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm Walk ins: 4 to 6 pm.

Appointments can be made by calling 1-888-634-1123 or visiting the website.

3. Free? Virus Geeks

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Myrtle Beach

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Unknown Price: Regional Health & Testing Center - I am posting this so nobody else has to go through what I did trying to find a PCR test in Myrtle Beach. After more than 30 calls I found a place that will do a PCR test same day you wait for the results it’s called Regional Health Testing Center.

So many places will do a PCR test they just don’t guarantee it in 72 hours to travel actually 99% of them don’t guarantee at all. Also, many prices were so out to lunch with different places up to $300 per test.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $250 USD: Complete Health Partners - PCR-RT $250 USD, result in 25 minutes.

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New Orleans

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $120 USD: NOLA Covid Testing - 1012 Canal St. Easily accessible from anywhere in the French Quarter, including Bourbon Street). $120 USD. Results within 30 minutes. Note: the results list a test date but no time. If your airline is being sticky about the 72 hour to departure timeline, be sure to factor this in to your testing.

3. $175 USD: Gretna Medical Center - It was difficult to find a place with quick turnaround for results, but this place has PCR with results in just 15 minutes. I found them very accommodating.

4. $250 USD: Nola Doc - result took several hours, sent by email.

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New York City

"As for covid tests in New York. They literally have vans with a pop up rain tents all over on the side of the roads to do free covid tests. We got our results back within 24 hours. They are the PCR tests that get you back into Canada. They emailed the results to us and we uploaded them to the arrive can app and it was super smooth entering Canada again. Again it was free and you don't need to be American."

1. Free: We were recently in NYC, they have mobile test vans every couple of blocks. They do the PCR tests for free. We showed those results coming back to Canada…no problem!! Results took about 12 hours..as long as you plan in advance..it’s easy

2. Free: LabQ - If you need to get a PCR test down there for your return trip, I used LabQ - they have lots of mobile vans around NYC, no cost, Canadian passport ok as ID.

An appointment is not necessary, you can simply walk up to one of the testing locations and get tested right away. Usually, the whole testing process takes about 10-15 minutes. And there is no out-of-pocket cost, regardless of your migration status. The turnaround time for the PCR test is from 24 to 36 hours. PCR testing is free of charge.

Pre-register on the LabQ website and receive a QR code (use U.S. address). Scan that code at one of the mobile testing vans, get swabbed, and good-to-go. If you fail to pre-register, you'll still have an opportunity at the van.

"We checked on the LabQ website and also asked at one of their vans. They have limited hours, most are closed on the weekends, a few (i.e. union square) are open 8-4 Sunday"

3. Free: ClearMD - has a couple locations in Manhattan and is free for Canadian’s looking for a PCR test to return to Canada and $40 for antigen

Here is a list of city run pop ups with hours as well, just in case! https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/covid-19-testing-sites/

"ClearMD is open weekends so we booked with them . The test is free for foreigners, not just US citizens."

"Free for travellers when registered under clearsact, 24 hours results for pcr test."

4. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"CVS appointments can be booked weeks in advance. After the self swab, CVS will send a link to create an account in their MyChart account. Your COVID result will be available in the MyChart website. You need to be in a vehicle to take the test."

"Walgreens appointments can be booked only two days in advance. Walgreens will send a link to the external lab website once your result is available. You need to be in a vehicle to take the test."

"Had a great experience at Walgreens getting my test in NYC. I booked it online and didn’t have to pay anything. I used my US Airbnb address for the zip code info and told them I didn’t have insurance. I took the Rapid diagnostic test (NAAT) and got my results within an hour. I had no issues uploading all of this in the ArriveCAN app."

5. Free: UrgentWay Manhattan - closed on weekends.

6. Free: MedRite Urgent Care - Myself and my family took the 24 hrs PCR. There are several locations at NY belonging to the same company. The cost was $0.00 for us. You have to do a pre-registration online that takes just a few minutes. They take the sample and then you call for the results the next day (24 hrs). They will email you the results and then you use it for the CAN Arrival App. If you want a rapid PCR (a few hrs), that one has a cost associated.

7. Free: LaGuardia Airport (LGA) - LaGuardia Airport has free on-site Covid testing. My daughters had a FREE PCR test valid for entry into Canada. Results received in 24-36hrs

8. Free: BeeeperMD - We just used BeeperMD in NYC. You register online, they come to your hotel at a time selected by you and they have your results emailed to you in 36-48 hours (ours took 37). No cost and very easy.

9. Free: CTS Mobile Testing - They were open 8am-1am 7 days a week. Waited in line about 20 minutes. They took samples for both rapid antigen and PCR tests. We had the rapid test results via email in under 30 minutes and PCR tests a little over 24 hours later. No charge.

10. $150 USD: Bloom Labs - We ended up getting a NAAT test done at Bloom Labs for $150 USD each and had our results within an hour (they said max 3h) and had no issues coming back to Canada today.

11. $199 USD: Sameday Health - I went to Same Day Health in SOHO, 10/10 would recommend. You book online, pay $199 USD and you get results in LESS then an hour. Plus it’s not an invasive swab. It was so easy to then sign in to get my results.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"Our tests took 24 hrs at cvs. No cost, we just used the hotel address."

2. Free: Curative - it’s completely free for Canadians and you will likely get results in 24-48 hours ! I have used it in south Florida and Washington. Super quick and easy. No appt required.

"We booked a same-day test with the Curative stand at the Hawaiian Rumble Adventure Golf course (13529 FL-535, Orlando), and the tests were completely hassle-free (they were aware we were testing to travel back to Canada). The test results came back in just 1 hour."

3. Free: Beeper MD - Free for 2 or more. PCR testing and they come to you. Can be booked online in advance.

"I can confirm and highly recommend BeeperMD in Florida. They come to your door/hotel room. Results guaranteed in 72 hours but ours and many others came within 24-48 hours."

"Hi Chris, just wanted to provide my family's experience with free PCR testing during our recent trip to Orlando. We followed the suggestions for testing options in Orlando on your Covid testing article, and it worked
perfectly! We scheduled a Beeper MD test the day before, and they came straight to our hotel room during the scheduled testing time. They didn't ask any questions about our nationality and were fully aware that the tests were specifically for travel
purposes. The Beeper MD test results came back in 29 hours. Overall, I am super impressed with the variety of free travel testing options in the US, in comparison to Canada where they make you pay obscene prices
for government-required travel Covid testing."

"We're in Orlando right now and just wanted to let you know beeper MD MCO is useless. Their email on the site bounces back. Call, wait on hold for hours. 2 separate parties have had no shows from them in addition to us."

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Palm Springs

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"Walgreens cancelled on us the day before - said something about staffing issues."

2. Free: Curative Labs - If you are in California, look at curative labs. I did one in Palm Springs and it was free. Results in 48 hours.

"We just got FREE PCR tests in Palm Springs, California through Curative. It was a drive up, self administered shallow nasal test and results were back in less than 12 hours! So awesome :)"

"It was a drive thru testing site. I booked on line - super easy. Used my Canadian drivers license info for their ID request and said no to insurance question. Drive up , they give you a self administered test and give you instructions on how to do it. Then you hand the package back to them and drive away. We had also booked at CVS and Walgreens as backups. Walgreens cancelled on us the day before -said something about staffing issues. And then we went ahead and cancelled CVS as our results came back so quickly. "

3. $150 USD: Covid Clinic - Test is NEAR the airport by a company called COVID Clinic. It was misleading as the website says they are located IN the PSP airport, but they are actually located close to the airport in a parking lot. Expedited PCR test is $150 USD and results come back in 1-2 days.

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Panama City

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $180 USD: Access Point Health Group - Rapid PCR test (1-2 hours for results), paper only.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"I've done this PCR test at CVS many times in Phoenix, Vegas, Hawaii and Texas. I'm a flight attendant, and travel a lot. I also live part time in Phoenix, so I've done this many times, and know the types of test you need to enter US, Europe, Canada. You don't have to have US insurance. You don't have to have US ID. You don't have to have a social security number. Put the address where you're staying in the US. Hotel, vrbo, whatever. If they ask for ID, show your Alberta drivers license. They don't care.
It is a free test, and extremely easy. There are other free PCR tests in the Phoenix area that I've used as well if you still don't trust the CVS one for some reason."

"Caution to those who use Walgreens in Phoenix, we assumed the PCR tests would come back within 24-36hr as the ones here in Calgary have been coming back in like 12hr.... well they did not. The gentleman at the drive through testing centre stated it was 48-72hr for results as they ship the swabs to Tennessee to be processed."

"We noticed that the free tests at walgreens, CVS etc. are booking far in advance (1 week out).

"We booked online with Walgreens, the Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW) results in less than 24 hours. This is a NAAT test. You go to the drive through pharmacy, they give you the test kit, you swab your own nostrils for 10 seconds each side, put the swab back into the package and you’re done. He told us results should come in 4 to 5 hours; we got them back in 90 minutes via email. Easy peasy! All for FREE!"

"All people that travelled with us and went to Walgreens, not one got their result in time."

2. Free: Embry Women's Health - If you are in the Phoenix area check with Embry Women’s Health. They have drive thru sites in several places. Easy to book online and free.

"We booked our appointments with Embry Health here in Scottsdale Arizona. There were lots of appointments available. It was drive through, and we were able to confirm that you did NOT need state ID or even US ID. It was free and we got our results in 25 hours. We also were able to book our entire group under one registration number when we registered one person first. The person on the phone said to thank Uncle Sam for paying for the test!"

3. Free: TestNOW - In Phoenix area all PCR testing, rapid antigen testing and antibody testing can be booked through TestNOW and it’s free. Takes about 24 hours for test results for PCR.

"I saw a testnow.com sign close to the hotel with a mobile unit and workers. They helped me set up the appointment, did the test (free) and had results in 20 hours. Text came from Embryhealth and we are so impressed how they handled everything."

4. $90 USD: Worksite Labs - Took my test at 1:30, had results by 4:30. Booked from home. (No time to roll the dice on a free drugstore test). Very satisfied.

5. $150 to $299 USD: Saguaro Bloom Diagnostics - We paid $150 USD to get tests done within 24hr. Our results from this lab did come back in time (about 12hr later). There is an option for a 90min PCR test but it costs $299 USD.

6. $250 USD: Xpres Check at Phoenix Airport (PHX) - they guarantee results in 1 hour. They're on the 3rd floor directly above Westjet. They take walk ins and you can book appts online.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"Free at Walgreens and results were back in less than 48 hours. But a reminder to book about a week ahead as there are only about five days open for booking at a time and appointments are limited."

2. $90 USD: Worksite Labs - $90 USD for 24 hour turnaround. They also have more express options at a higher cost. Although their website is tailored to air travellers and their site is close to the airport, they were happy to take land travellers when I called. They told me just to put any airline in - it didn't matter. It was quick and easy with no issues at the Douglas crossing.

3. $99 to $150 USD: Molecular Vision Lab - Located in Hillsboro, suburb west of downtown Portland. Not close to the airport but convenient if you're in the area. $99 USD for next day results, $150 USD for same day.

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Reno / Lake Tahoe

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. $135 USD: Go Get Tested - is at the Reno airport (RNO). They got back to me in 36 hours, they advertise up to 48 hours. Price is $ 135 USD. The trick is they do not take Canadian phone numbers only US or Mexico, so to book an appointment you need someone with a US phone number near you.

3. $149 USD: Test Well - Tested through Test Well, $149 USD and test results are same day.

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Santa Barbara

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Santa Barbara Public Health - We managed to get free PCR /NAAT tests done at the County of SBA. All you need is a USA address (hotel address). Results within about 24 hours. They do ask if you have insurance, medicaid and/or a state ID. We said no to all and there were no issues.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"We had molecular PCR tests in Sacramento California for free from Walgreens. Used our hotel address in the online booking form. It was a drive through on Stockton Blvd. The pharmacist watched us from the drive through window explaining how to spin the nasal swab 5 times per nose. No one checked our ID there which was what we had worried about. We received our test results 36 hours later by email. Crossed Canadian border at peace arch no problems."

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Salt Lake City

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Test Utah - I found out that there was a drive thru testing site at Dixie College. I took a chance and drove up there. Took the link on the QR code on the sandwich post, filled up the form (which included my full Canadian address), it gave me back a code that I showed at the drive thru. 2 minutes later, did the test, and got the results within 36 hours... For free. Needless to say I'm relieved and my wallet too!

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San Diego

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: San Marcos University - In the San Diego North County area there's a free testing centre at San Marcos University. I've gotten my results back within one day both times and they don't care if you're from another country (just take your passport for ID).

3. Free: Central PHC Ocean View - Test done in 5 minutes, very efficient, easy parking, Got our results back in 24 hours by email, it was free, staff very friendly and nice!

4. $150 USD: Rapid Testing San Diego - Took a Rapid PCR Test for $150 USD in Chula Vista (south side of San Diego). Result took 15 minutes, waited for it, paper only.

5. $165 USD: Carbon Health - Results within 12hrs. Located in a parking lot beside SAN airport.

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San Francisco

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"I took a Rapid PCR test at the CVS minute clinic on Sutter st. Can book online in advance and results within 1 hour."

"If you need a data point for the Bay Area then I just got back from there. Walgreens didn't have many locations offering the PCR test and the closest ones with ID Now were showing up in Nevada. But CVS had a good amount of locations and time slots available and the location I went to didnt even check ID. Santa Clara County also provides free testing through Fulgent so that's an option that I used too! Results through both CVS and the Fulgent came back in 24hrs."

"We got a free test from a Walgreens in San Mateo. It took 60 hours until we received the results (didn’t receive the results until mid flight)."

2. Free: Color - Did a Drive through test with Color for free. Results came back within 48 hours (tested on Friday morning, got the results late on Saturday).

"Had my test on Sunday at noon and got my results Monday evening. I did mine as walk in. You need to register online before you can show up and get tested."

"We returned to Canada with a LAMP test from color.com obtained at a walk through site, free of charge."

3. Free: CityHealth - I did an RT-PCR test for free in downtown San Francisco at CityHealth the other day. They asked me if I had insurance, I said no, and they just said okay no problem. Gave them my passport as ID. Results came in about 12 hours.

"I booked my test with CityHealth for Wednesday at 9am, and had results at midnight, in plenty of time for my return to Canada. Just like you said, they asked if I had insurance, I said no, and they went ahead with the test at no charge. Took maybe 10 minutes start to finish and was so easy!"

4. Free? Virus Geeks

5. $90 USD: Worksite Labs - Just wanted to contribute that Worksite Labs in California charge $90 USD with results within 24 hours. I have gotten it multiple times at the downtown San Francisco location and the results are always much faster than 24 hours. It’s also only a swab within the nostril which is nice and still PCR.

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

The CVS in Bellevue is temporarily closed.

2. Free: King County or UW Medicine

locations: Seatac (near the Seattle airport) and other locations around Seattle

turnaround time: They can't guarantee turnaround time, only 'Please allow up to 72 hours for results'

note: The Angle Lake location is the one near the airport. The booking page for those with no symptoms can be found here.

I've tried Harborview and University District. Harborview is a bit more thorough in that if you say travel purpose they'll double check the name with your passport/ID. Note UW is also a Trusted Partner for Hawaii if for some reason you decide to be in Seattle before going to Hawaii (with the land border now open this may be a scenario?).

Note that you may have to subscribe to MyChart depending on the location but it's a pretty painless process.

"We were coming from the Douglas Crossing during a visit to Seattle and had a free PCR test at the UW Medicine Aurora North testing location. We took the test at 11:30am Wednesday with results back Thursday morning. It was about a 20 minute lineup to get our tests performed while in our car. I think the best thing about preregistration is that your name, birthdate, etc will be more accurate., important for matching up with ArriveCAN app for crossing border. No problems with having BC plates on our vehicle, used our BC drivers licence as identification."

3. $75 to $250 USD: Xprescheck at Seattle Airport (SEA) - They say results potentially can take as long as 96 hours. You can pay $250 USD for results in an hour.

4. $90 USD: U.S. Biotek - We had results within 12 hours, but they guarantee within 72 hours either way.

5. $150 USD: Carbon Health - We got our COVID test at the Carbon Health site in Bellevue for $150 US. They guarantee results by 2 pm the following day but we had results back 12 hours later by text/email.

6. $176 to $184 USD: Discovery Health MD

price: $176-$184 USD for PCR (same day or next day) or $206 for NAAT ID NOW (20 minutes) or $246 USD for rapid PCR (1 hour)

locations: Seattle Airport

"Took several hours for a result, sent by email."

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1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"We took the ID Now tests (NAAT test) at Walgreens in Spokane Valley (Sprague and Sullivan). Free. Need to book online for each person to log the test but allowed us to come at any one of our appt times to do them all at same time. Booked with local address and didn't need to show ID and just verified with birthdate. Results back via email within hour."

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St. George

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Test Utah - I found out that there was a drive thru testing site at Dixie College. I took a chance and drove up there. Took the link on the QR code on the sandwich post, filled up the form (which included my full Canadian address), it gave me back a code that I showed at the drive thru. 2 minutes later, did the test, and got the results within 36 hours... For free. Needless to say I'm relieved and my wallet too!

jump to: The United States       Index Of Destinations

Vail / Breckenridge

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Vail Health - in Breckenridge. Free and, despite the note that results can take 24-48 hours, I had my results the next morning (i.e., less than 24 hours after the test).

jump to: The United States       Index Of Destinations

Washington D.C.

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).


1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"We arrived in Whitefish Mt Friday afternoon (heading home on Monday) and had our PCR test booked at Walgreens for Saturday morning. When we got there the lady told us that our tests wouldn’t be shipped off to Nashville (where they process) until Monday afternoon and it could still be 72 hours after that before we get our results. (Which would make it a useless test)."


1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: Wichita State University - I was told there was a guaranteed turnaround time of 24 hours. Got my results back within 12 hours.

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jump to: The United States       Index Of Destinations


"The WestJet website was great for directing us about how to arrange our test in Canada before flying. When it came to understanding their recommendations for how to arrange a test from Hawaii
to return to Canada, it was pretty poor. It directed us to some lab company that could arrange for you to do a remote test yourself by couriering you the testing materials and a set of instructions.
On further researching this, it appeared the company did not offer this service for Hawaii, and it also cautioned travelers flying on Mondays’ that it might not work because UPS doesn’t operate on
Sundays (to send back your results)."

Oahu / Honolulu / Waikiki


As of December 18, 2021 free testing has become very difficult to find in Hawaii. And even with paid testing it can be difficult to land an appointment. Many Canadians are turning to bringing one of the LAMP self-test kits with them from Canada instead.

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

- It is free in Honolulu. I'm just not sure if it’s the same for the entire state. The downside of getting it from Walgreens is the waiting time. I took the test 3 days prior and got my results 30 mins before the plane took off. I was not able to board the plane and had to rebook the flight. There were other 4 passengers with me who had the same issue. The one from Honolulu airport takes only around 4 hours but it’s $140 usd.

- Has anyone gotten PCR or the NAAT test at Walgreens in Oahu for coming back? They’re free and I see that Canada accepts both.

response: "Yes we did at the end of august. It is a drive through and was fast and easy. (We had a rental car) I recommend booking it in advance as it did book up quickly.."

2. Free: Prevent Covid Hawaii - It accepted my Canadian address and the fee is zero dollars USD. No local or USA address or Hawaii ID needed. List of locations and hours.

NOTE: Prevent Covid Hawaii is now known as Aloha Clear. Go to the Aloha Clear website instead.

"They have locations throughout the islands, ours was steps from Waikiki Beachwalk. Results came in 6 hours ( they say 13-16)."

"I registered and booked appointments online a week ago and had the tests this morning. So easy, lovely facility and staff, and free of charge. Max 16 hour turnaround guaranteed."

"Went to the free Prevent Covid Hawaii drive through site in Kapolei. Had to register for a spot online for PCR but used Canadian address no problem. Email reported when it hit the Lab and then again 8 hrs from test time in Kapolei we got the results. Highly recommend and for the testing for kids was way nicer than the one we did with Lifelabs that cost us $200 each!"

"Just wanted to thank you for the PCR test sites in Hawaii. We chose to use Prevent Covid Hawaii - Aloha PCR Center Waikiki to obtain our PCR test for the flight home. As indicated on your site it cost us nothing! This was a savings of at least $100 /person USD. Furthermore, they were very easy to use, and we got our results in about 16 hours, and most importantly had no issue using the results to board the flight and enter Canada."

As of December 18th, 2021 Aloha Clear will only provide testing for those that reside in the U.S.

3. Free: Aloha Stadium - I was there recently and Aloha Stadium (in a suburb of Honolulu) does free pop up testing on certain days of the week - check their website. we just drove in and came out, smooth process. I would recommend doing it as early as possible (e.g. 3 days out) as we did it 2 days out and got the results very very very last minute, and it caused a lot of stress!

4. Free: Visitor Concierge Services at Ala Moana Mall - If you are in Honolulu, Hawaii, you can get your PCR test for free at Ala Moana mall. They email the results same day. Visitor Concierge Service by Roberts Hawaii.

5. Free: Aloha Clear - Go to the Waikiki Bandshell near the Honolulu zoo, they have free PCR tests. You will need to book an appointment online first. Go to Alohaclear.com enter your details and select Waikiki Shell as your location. You must select 96815 as the postal code. We used our hotel address and this postal code. No charge at all. Results in 24 hours or less. Canadians welcome! This was super easy and we got our results in 4 hours

"I used Aloha Clear today in Kapolei Hawaii and results came well ahead of Saturday flight home. Free and it was as professional if not more than the paid service in Las Vegas I used."

As of December 18th, 2021 Aloha Clear will only provide testing for those that reside in the U.S.

5. $120 USD: Clinical Labs - We went to Clinical Labs of Hawaii while we were in Oahu...I booked our appointments online before we left, it was $120 USD/person. We had our tests at 3pm and received our results via email before 5:30am the next day.

6. $120 to $175 USD: DLS Labs If you can land an appointment at DLS labs, which have been booked up weeks in advance, you get results in an hour from a NAAT test (valid for travel to Canada) for $175. A regular PCR test is $120 USD.

"DLS Labs accepts multiple people per appointment time and you can easily bus to the Alo Moana mall as it is 1 block away. $120 for a PCR test. We got our Results in about 9 hours. Other locations too. Had no luck with the pharmacy chains."

7. $140 USD: Honolulu Airport

jump to: Hawaii       Index Of Destinations

Kauai / Lihue

"We are staying on the North Shore and the local walk-in clinic offers testing (for a fee I believe, no appointment possible) but they say results within 24-72h, no guarantees. "

"Check this if there's a Captured Diagnostics nearby to you. We got our free test there in Kauai."


As of December 18, 2021 free testing has become very difficult to find in Hawaii. And even with paid testing it can be difficult to land an appointment. Many Canadians are turning to bringing one of the LAMP self-test kits with them from Canada instead.

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

2. Free: War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihue - Just returned on Sunday. Went to the War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihue on Friday, got swabbed and received the results in less than 4 hours (rapid PCR). Free test and everyone there was really friendly. Only issue is you have to go early in the morning to get your ticket and they tell you what time to come back for your test.

"Free testing is available Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the War Memorial Convention Hall at 4191 Hardy Street in Lihue."

"Arrive anytime the clinic is open, and you will receive a ticket with a time to return for your free test. You do no need to arrive early to receive a ticket; arrive anytime the clinic is open. No appointment or doctor's order is necessary. Results are provided on the same day."

3. Free: Prevent Covid Hawaii - It accepted my Canadian address and the fee is zero dollars USD. No local or USA address or Hawaii ID needed. List of locations and hours.

NOTE: Prevent Covid Hawaii is now known as Aloha Clear. Go to the Aloha Clear website instead.

"I found a free PCR test in Lihue, Kauai at the Lihue Pharmacy Group. You book online, (you need to create an account first) and then just choose a time within your 72 hour window to get the test. It's a drive up and wait in your car. Very little waiting time, self administered nasal swab, results at about 11 hours after the test. We brought passports, but other ID would be likely fine as well. A total stress free experience.

"We used Prevent Covid Hawaii on the island of Kauai for no cost and had our results in 5 hours. Very efficient. Must book the test in advance online. Tests are in Lihue."

As of December 18th, 2021 Aloha Clear will only provide testing for those that reside in the U.S.

4. $175 USD: Wilcox Health / Kauai Urgent Care - We were told the best option is the drive-through site at the Wilcox Health Centre in Lihue. It's open from 9-12 or 1, costs $150 USD, and the service was great. Results arrived same day but they say max 24h.

"If anyone is planning on going to Kauai, the medical facility in Lihue is the only place to get your PCR results on time. Other pharmacies offer the service but testing is done on the mainland and they can't guarantee results will be back in 72 hours. It took us less than 24 hours to get our results. We had the nose swab."

"Results in 20 minutes. NAAT molecular test (accepted by Canada) located in Lihue. Everything went smoothly.

5. $185 USD: Poipu Mobile MD - You can book online with results the same day. Right next to Kalapakie Joe's on Poipu Road. Costs $185 USD. The lady that helped us is very nice. Go to Poipumd.com to book. Our group booked online 72 hours before (just in case it takes a bit longer).

jump to: Hawaii       Index Of Destinations

Kona / The Big Island

General advice:

"We had some difficulties getting our PCR test on the Big Island. There are limited locations which conduct the PCR test, I think only 2 or 3 locations. It was also a 3 hours there and back drive from Hilo.

Furthermore, their hours are limited so you really have to calculate your 72 hours correctly to make sure it doesn't land in the middle of the night when the pharmacy is closed.

Lastly, it took 68.5 hours for the results to come back! So we actually missed our connection because they weren't able to print us a boarding pass without the test results."


As of December 18, 2021 free testing has become very difficult to find in Hawaii. And even with paid testing it can be difficult to land an appointment. Many Canadians are turning to bringing one of the LAMP self-test kits with them from Canada instead.

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"I live part time on the Big Island. Canadians can get their covid tests done at the Walgreens or CVS drive through for their return trip back to Canada. You can book the appointment online. Set up a profile and they send your results back within a day usually. And there’s no fee."

2. Free: Prevent Covid Hawaii - It accepted my Canadian address and the fee is zero dollars USD. No local or USA address or Hawaii ID needed. List of locations and hours.

NOTE: Prevent Covid Hawaii is now known as Aloha Clear. Go to the Aloha Clear website instead.

As of December 18th, 2021 Aloha Clear will only provide testing for those that reside in the U.S.

3. $120 USD: Clinical Labs - offers tests and many of my friends have used them. Reliably fast for about $120 US. I'm booking with them on Big Island because I know the turn around is reliable. You can google their locations. Don't pay the extra for the extra fast results my friends say because they apparently are already quite fast.

"Thanks for this valuable information. My wife and I had a NAAT test done at Clinical Labs of Hawaii in Kona. Turn around time was 16hrs."

4. $200 USD: Urgent Care Of Kona - got the NAAT results back within half an hour. Cost $150 USD. Worth not stressing over timing.

"As of Nov 26, 2021 Urgent Care of Kona has increased their price to $200 USD. Results are available within one hour if you need it that quickly."

"I had a NAAT test done at the Urgent Care in Kona, Hawaii for $200 USD - results within the hour (both a paper copy and electronic copy via email provided). Was super easy and efficient!"

jump to: Hawaii       Index Of Destinations

Maui / Kahului


As of December 18, 2021 free testing has become very difficult to find in Hawaii. And even with paid testing it can be difficult to land an appointment. Many Canadians are turning to bringing one of the LAMP self-test kits with them from Canada instead.

1. Free: A 'free' test at Walgreens or CVS (more info).

"About 3-4 days into our trip I tried to sort out getting an appointment. It turned out Walgreens only does the tests in Oahu. "

"My friend was able to get a free drive through NAAT test in Maui at CVS that was accepted for travel home."

"In Maui, CVS only does the tests in one location near Kahului airport (which is fine), but they were fully booked up."

"We had a free PCR test done at CVS in Maui in October. Results took 4 days (more than the 72 hours required for the flight) as the tests are sent to a lab in Honolulu. We ended up scrambling to get a rapid test on the day of our flight."

"Finding a covid test to return from Maui has been a major problem over the Christmas 2021 holidays and has continued into January. The free covid tests from Walgreens are not even reaching a lab for 4-5 days then the test still needs to be conducted, which means it is not an option for Canadian travellers.

2. Free: Prevent Covid Hawaii - It accepted my Canadian address and the fee is zero dollars USD. No local or USA address or Hawaii ID needed. List of locations and hours.

NOTE: Prevent Covid Hawaii is now known as Aloha Clear. Go to the Aloha Clear website instead.

As of December 18th, 2021 Aloha Clear will only provide testing for those that reside in the U.S.

3. Free: People & Paws Pharmacy - I was able to book at People and Paws Pharmacy in Wailea, there was plenty of availability, and the tests took 5 minutes to do with no wait, and the PCR-RT tests were back in an hour, all for free.

"I overheard the owner say that appointment times are released Monday mornings for the next week. Our results were available when we checked an hour later."

"Got the test results in 1 hr. and they even printed the results for me. (No cost for the test or printout). Returned to Canada no problem. So thanks for saving me about $200 Canadian per person, which seemed to be the going rate elsewhere on Maui."

NOTE: As of December 18th, 2021 People & Paws is no longer offering free testing unless you are an American citizen. They will honour any appointments made to date.

4. $99 USD: Urgent Care West Maui - Not many places have weekend hours, so that is something to consider. We had our test done on the Friday and flew out on the Sunday. We ended up going to a place in Lahaina called Urgent Care West Maui. They charged us $99 USD and told us there would be a second Lab charge. Our appointment was at 1pm and we had our results emailed to us the next day at 9 pm. We did not have to pay a second charge, which we are very grateful for, as the clinic told us it would be $120 USD each.

5. $120 USD: Clinical Labs - Check out Clinical Labs of Hawaii. There are several locations in Maui. I just had my test today to head back to YVR. Most people have said they have gotten their results in about 24 hrs, so I have my fingers crossed! $120 USD.

My friend was in Maui this month and her husband and her booked their PCR tests two weeks ahead at Clinical Labs. She said they book quickly there. It was approx $120 US she said. They offered, for an extra $50, for quicker results, but she was told it likely wasn't an issue. They paid the cheaper option and got the results super fast anyhow.

6. $120 to $175 USD: DLS Labs If you can land an appointment at DLS labs, which have been booked up weeks in advance, you get results in an hour from a NAAT test (valid for travel to Canada) for $175. A regular PCR test is $120 USD.

7. $150 USD: The Shops at Wailea - We ended up using the clinic at the “Shops at Wailea”. No appointment necessary, drop ins only. $150 US each, we got our results in about 26-28 hours.

8. $199 USD: Care Point

9. $200 USD: Doctors on Call - I had a really good experience with Doctors on Call drive thru clinic near OGG airport in early Oct. Had a NAAT test in the morning and the results were emailed to me within 30 minutes. The test was $170USD but I do not believe there are free molecular test options in Maui for Canadian travellers.

"Doctors on Call has several locations that do first come first serve (their website says book an appt but have had 3 people so tests to come home and have been told no more appts) it's $170 usd but you get results in 30 mins."

"When we went to try Doctors on Call, we got there at 8:30 am and they said they were already fully booked for the day."

"Highly recommend Doctors on Call, but make sure that you get an appointment for everyone in your party. Their 15 minute result turnaround is really helpful for peace of mind, although it doesn’t come cheap - $200 USD per person."

10. $200 USD: Minit Medical Urgent Care Maui

"They were VERY professional and I would highly recommend."

"It was easy to make an appointment online at one of their two locations that does PCR tests for traveling: Kahului and Kihei. HOWEVER, the Kahului site only does testing on Mondays and Fridays (not Monday to Friday) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and the Kihei site only does testing Tuesdays and Thursdays (from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.). "

"Testing was done at an outdoor location parking lot behind a hardware store for the Kihei location. SO it was a ‘drive-up’ test, which was super convenient and easy."

"They may also have a NAAT test available for $175 USD (also acceptable for entry into Canada)".

jump to: Hawaii       Index Of Destinations



"Some resort brands include free PCR testing if you stay with them for a certain amount of time. I can't speak to others but Sandos is one brand that does."

"I'm in Puerto Morales right now. All the hotels have the PCR test available. It's easy to go on vacation now."

"I would not recommend getting your test on the resort in case you test positive. We have had 2 friends who tested positive with the resort test and they cut their wrist bands, put them in a 'covid wing and only let them leave their room to get tested. So, even though testing off the resort was a big headache, I would still rather go through that process, in case of a positive test. Then you can book a condo to stay there until you're negative."

General advice

"It's very important to check that they put the correct passport number on the results (if it actually is on there) as I heard a story of a couple who had errors in the passport number on their results and they were denied boarding, had to stay another night, and call the lab to have the errors fixed."

Cancun / Playa del Carmen / Cozumel / Tulum

Cancun or Playa del Carmen, but not at a resort / hotel

1. $60 CAD: Salud Digna - I have been tested at Salud Digna in Cancun. $950 pesos. In 48 hrs you have your result on your phone. You just have to book the test in advance.

"The general opinion in Mexico is that you should stay away from Salud Digna unless you're ok with getting your results over 48 hours after your swab. This lab is usually overbooked and their turn around time for results is longer than at other labs."

but on the other hand...

"I got my PCR test at Salud Digna, the cost was $950mxn ($60cad). I got my result in 12hrs. It was easy to book the appointment, I booked online through their website, and they responded through the WhatsApp app. Since I already had the app I didn't need to download it, and the time I was notified that my result was ready I had the option to download in Spanish or in English. Which was really convenient. I downloaded it in both languages just to be on the safe side."

2. $83 CAD: Playa Lab - Located in Playa del Carmen they were the cheapest we found in the Tulum/ Playa del Carmen / Akumal area. 1350 pesos. We didn’t make an appointment and just walked in at 5:45pm. We got our results the next day at 8:30 am as promised. Highly recommend going here! They are located in playa del Carmen - Avenida 20, entre 1 Sur Y Avenida Juarez, Centro.

3. $100 CAD: Laboratorio Express del Caribe - I went into Playa del Carmen for the day and found loads of places to get a PCR test. Right on 5th Ave at CTM there was a pod (like half the size of a shipping container) with no line up. Cost was 1700 pesos (or about USD$80) and I got the results within 24 hours by email. The test was done at Laboratorio Express del Caribe. You will need to have your passport with you when taking the test but in this case my passport number was not on the document they send with the results.

On a side note, it's very important to check that they put the correct passport number on the results (if it actually is on there) as I heard a story of a couple who had errors in the passport number on their results and they were denied boarding, had to stay another night, and call the lab to have the errors fixed.

4. $100 CAD: Ferry Dock at Isla Mujeres - We got our test right at the Ferry Dock on Isla Mujeres. They were 1800 pesos (about $100 Canadian) each (much cheaper to do things in Pesos rather than US$). Very professional lab in an office at the dock. We had our results in 22hrs.

5. $113 CAD: Sky Labs - In Playa del Carmen I booked a Dr to come to our resort through concierge when we arrived. Results arrived within 12 hours and the cost was $90 USD per person. They gave me a phone number and you can message them directly through whatsapp at +52 998 377 6402- sky labs. Hope this helps.

Note from Chris: There is reason to suspect that 'Sky Labs' is not legitimate. Thanks to Leon for sending me evidence as to why. Link to the article (in Spanish). I will leave this up though, as a warning to those who come across Sky Labs.

6. $113 CAD: Centro Quimico - I went with Centro Quimico, which has been in the business for more than 40 years. They charged $1,800 pesos/person for PCR test and for only an extra $100 pesos they came to my hotel room in Cancun. For two of us the total is $3,700 pesos. That's about $90 USD/ $113 CAD per person. Did the test on Friday morning at 8:30am and received results next day at 1:43pm. Make sure you leverage their WhatsApp chat via website to connect with them if you have any questions. The Cancun location is very responsive and very fluent in English so there is zero hassle for communication.

7. $117 CAD: Medex Lab - We ended up going to MedEx lab in an office also downtown. Very professional two nasal swabs and a throat swab. Cost was 1900 pesos which was about $117 cad (with a no forex credit card) Results received by email in under 24 hours.

8. $120 CAD: Cancun Airport - 2000 pesos at the Cancun airport in each terminal - It took 8 hours for results.

Cancun or Playa del Carmen, at a resort / hotel

1. $48 CAD: Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres - $38 USD. Results within 24 hours. Done on site. Monday through Saturday before 9:00 AM

2. $87 CAD: Royalton Riviera Cancun - I stayed at the Royalton Riviera Cancun. Book the appointment when you arrive at the resort at the concierge desk, must do the test within 72 hours before coming back to Canada. Results take about 24hrs. It cost $69 USD per person, they came to our room to take the swab sample from the nose.

3. $87 CAD: Planet Hollywood Cancun - The PCR test at Planet Hollywood Cancun beach resort is $69 USD.

4. $90 CAD: Villa del Palmar - We were at Villa Del Palmar Cancun near Punta Sam and the hotel had a testing on site for 1,500 pesos ($90 CAD). The result was for the next day but we got it by the evening the same day.

5. $100 CAD: Catalonia Costa Mujeres - The PCR test was $80 USD with the result in 24 hours.br>

6. $113 CAD: Iberostar - Currently staying at Coral Level at Iberostar selection in Cancun. They have an in-house Covid team who books for you. For Canadian travellers, PCR is done in your room. They book the doctor to come to your room and you get the results same night/next day. Cost is $90 USD per person and is paid to the doctor via cash or card.

7. $113 CAD: Dreams Vista Cancun - told me that PCR is available there for $90USD.

8. $113 CAD: Cancun Royalton Chic - They do PCR tests on-site, for $90 USD pp. super-easy, and the results came back in less than 48 hours.

9. $114 CAD: Occidental Tucancun - $91 USD or 1800 Pesos.

10. $115 CAD: Hotel Barcelo - Rivera Maya. PCR test done in Oct, everything submitted before 11 AM is done the same day, results are emailed around 10 PM. The cost is $91 USD per person.

11. $120 CAD: Iberostar Paraiso Lindo - Our PCR test was booked in the lobby. The results took eight hours to get back in the total cost was $1,945 Pesos which converted to $120 Canadian. You can pay by credit card or Pesos as the money goes directly to the 3rd party clinic that comes to the resort. My only suggestion would be book your test time for first thing in the morning to avoid wait times.

12. $121 CAD: Riu Palace Las Americas in Cancun - I booked a PCR Covid Test directly with the hotel for $95 USD. Nnote that if you pay with a credit card, they charge an additional fee per transaction. I was vacationing with a group, so we had them charge everything on one credit card to avoid paying extra fees. You book a time slot and someone will come directly to your room to administer the test. I received the results within 24 hours by email.

12. $126 CAD: Riu Palace Costa Mujeres - Took a PCR test at the hotel (Riu Palace Costa Mujeres). USD100 per person. Results took 48hrs. Convenient being directly in the hotel. Just needed to book a few days in advance. I did investigate the price of an actual lab in Cancun, but the price was very similar and not worth the inconvenience of taxi plus not having a rep to talk to when needed, as opposed to the hotel counter.

13. $128 CAD: Hyatt Ziva Cancun - We received PCR tests on site for $100 USD each and had our test results in less than 24 hours.

14. $132 CAD: Catalonia Yucatan Beach - current cost is $105 USD. That is all that I know at the moment.

15. $144 CAD: Bahia Principe Riviera Maya - Paid 2400 peso ($120 USD) at the Bahia Principe Riviera Maya.

16. $157 CAD: Princess Yucatan - near Playa del Carmen. They do the test at the hotel, it costs $125 USD and you arrange the test with the front desk when you first arrive.

17. $160 CAD: Riu Palace- I'm at the Riu Palace right now in Cancun and paid 160 Canadian for a PCR test at the resort. Had the results in 11 hours.

"It’s on the higher priced end but the Riu Playacar/Yucatan/Palace in Playa del Carmen also have the tests at the resort for $160 CAD. Our results took about 30 hours."

18. $160 CAD: Blue Bay Grand Esmeralda - They can do onsite PCR tests for around USD$125 and results come back within 24 hours, from what I was told.


1. $110 CAD: Cervera Laboratorio - Booked the test yesterday with Cervera Laboratorio. Super easy, they came to my hotel room, paid on site, 1800 pesos or approximately $110 CDN. Got the results 24 hrs later. They sent a confirmation email and also provide a paper copy to show as requested. They were professional...and gentle!!

"We had our PCR test done in Cozumel at Cervera Laboratorio for $75 USD each. Results were emailed exactly 24 hours later. Immaculate facility, very professional and friendly staff. They did offer to come to our rental place but we opted to just go to them. Would recommend."

2. $116 CAD: Marko Test Zone - Marko Test Zone is who I use for testing and have done it several times. Testing was easy. Cost is $90 USD. Results same day.


1. $104 CAD: "I've been to Tulum a few times within the last few months and testing stations are all over. It’s better to pay in pesos. I don’t pay more than $1700 pesos.. they have ones that are more but they have ones that are 1700 just when walking around look for them."

2. $113 CAD: "Tulum has clinics that do it everywhere for $90 USD, just walk in."

jump to: Mexico       Index Of Destinations

Cabo San Lucas / Loreto

General advice:

"We are in Cabo now and needed the PCR Test, but check around as prices can be anywhere between $95 to 300 USD per person. Some places if you have 3 or more will give you a discount."

"You can get tests at any local clinic for around 1000 pesos (~$65 CAD). Most places don’t advertise online or anything, you just show up, no appointment needed. The resorts and hotels charge an obsessed amount. Don’t stress about it- it’s a super easy process!"

"I was in Cabo in October. I found that if you look for laboratories in the non touristy areas, they charged a lot less. For instance, for a PCR test, I was quoted 250-300 USD near the hotels etc, and just a 15 min walk away, at this place called Laboratorio Helenas I paid USD 100."

Link to Testing Facilities in Los Cabos with prices in pesos and Canadian dollars.

1. $113 CAD: Saint Luke's Hospital - in Cabo is $90 USD or 1800 pesos.

"St Luke’s Hospital is in San Jose de Cabo. It cost us around US$5 to take an Uber for 4 people from Krystal Grand resort. The cost of the PCR test was $1800 pesos. At the conversion rate on a Visa it came to around $113 Canadian or $90 US. The in-hotel test is a money grab."

"I had a great experience getting my PCR test done at St.Luke’s Hospital in San Jose del Cabo. We paid 1900 MXN pesos (about $115 CAD), and had our tests administered around 10AM and received our results via email by 8PM the same day. (No testing on Sunday I believe.) There was no wait, and all the hospital staff were friendly and helpful. I’d recommend it to anyone travelling to the Los Cabos area."

"The cost was $1800 MXN, about $110 CAD, and you could pay with credit card, without any extra fees. We arrived at 10AM, we were done 30 minutes later (2 of us), and the results came in via e-mail at 7PM). "

"My friends were quoted 350 USD at St Lukes because it was a Sunday. They waited until Monday the 29th and paid the regular price of $95 USD. They got the results about 7 p.m. that night. Just a heads up."

"Booked our appointment for Friday morning @ 9:30 am. We had the results about 8 pm on Friday night via email. It was $110 CAD per person."

2. $114 CAD: Riu Santa Fe - We just returned from RIU Santa Fe. PCR tests offered on resort Mon to Sat 9-11 only, register in the Lobby, testing at Villa 6. Price dropped from $137 to $100 USD or 1800MXN ($114CAD) results in 24 hrs or less, we had ours at 8pm day of testing. Testing by AMC.

2. $126 CAD: Laboratorio Helenas - just a 15 min walk away, at this place called Laboratorio Helenas I paid USD 100. Got the result in English over WhatsApp and email as a PDF.

3. $146 CAD: PR Medica - because we flew Westjet and there’s more then 3 people they come right to the Resort and it’s $116 USD / you can also pay pesos there is a 16% charge if you use a credit card.

4. $148 CAD: LSG Clinicos - They came to our hotel for $116USD and results were provided within 12-24hrs. It was great and convenient.

5. $233 CAD: Laboratorio Carle - just a 10 min walk away, charged USD 185.

6. Price?: Pueblo Bonito Sunset - Our resort (Pueblo Bonito Sunset) offers the PCR testing right on site.


1. $201 CAD - I had a PCR test done in Loreto Mexico at the hotel I was staying at. It cost $160 USD cash only. Took the test at 9 am and had results by 7 pm. I had to keep checking to make sure it was PCR and not antigen. It was super easy, not a big deal.

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1. $85 CAD: San Franciscos Laboratorios - $65 USD. Results next day. Open at 6 AM. +52 951 578 7843

2. $151 CAD: My Huatulco Vacation - $135 USD

3. $176 CAD: Secrets Huatulco - We took our PCR test on Wednesday at 6pm at the hotel (Secrets) and received our results by Thursday at 8pm. The cost was 2500 pesos or 140 USD. We could not pay via credit card, and to get pesos out of the ATM, I was charged a $9 service fee.

I recommend asking for a receipt and printing out and taking a picture of the results. I also recommend booking the PCR test as close to the 72 hour mark as possible.

Don’t procrastinate. If the test comes back positive, like it did for our friend who had a negative positive, he had time to drive into town to do a retest, get his results, and make his flight home.

If you can, my suggestion would be to get the Switch Health RT-LAMP test so you can avoid all of the above, but right now they are all on backorder.

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Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo

1. $150 CAD: Laboratorio Clinico Integral - I paid 2,500 pesos (around $150 CAD). I received the results the next day. Recommended by WestJet.

2. $209 CAD: Laboratorio Sagrado Corazón - 3,500 pesos (around $209 CAD). Also recommended by WestJet.

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1. $105 CAD: Private Test Station - This was in the Golden Zone on Main Street of Mazatlan. We paid $3400 Pesos for 2 tests. Told that the results will be emailed in 24 hrs. 18 hrs later we received email of results.

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Mexico City

1. $92 CAD: Medex Lab - Charged only 3000 Pesos for 2 PCR tests and results back in 12 hours. Mexico City, Monterrey 179A, Roma Nte.

2. $100 CAD: Smart Test - This is what we landed on in Mexico City! They’ll come right to your hotel/airbnb. Cost is $100 Canadian and you can schedule with them via what’s app! You’ll get results within 24hrs via email.

3. $112 CAD: Covid Free Mexico - We just got our PCR test in Mexico City. Our hotel worked with a company called 'COVID FREE MEXICO'. They come to the hotel to perform the test and the results are delivered in 24 to 36 hours. The cost is $1800 Mexican pesos (USD $90). We got our results in 24 hrs.

4. $130 CAD: Mexico City Airport (MEX) - "I went to visit family so I looked for the cheapest and fastest PCR test to be able to return to Canada. I was getting frustrated with the laboratories some of them don’t give you the results in English and some others take 48 to 72 hours to give you the results. The best option ended up being going to the airport and take the test there, they are outside the nacional departures, they take your sample there, you get the results in approx 9 hrs in your email. And then you can pick your copy before your flight and they give you a copy in English to me that was the most convenient option. I paid $2200 pesos , roughly $130CAD depending the exchange rate of the day. The only downside is that you have to go to the airport but its a good peace of mind that the test is legit and fast."

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Puerto Escondido

1. $112 CAD: Beside the Hotel Rockaway - on Calle del Morro, Playa Zicatella - 1900 Mexican Pesos

2. Price unknown: Corner of Avenida Tamaulipas and Calle Zicatecas

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Puerto Vallarta

General advice

"We're in Puerto Vallarta right now. They have the testing places literally everywhere. You just walk up. Takes 20 minutes. $150 CAD each."

"We have a home in Sayulita, near Puerta Vallarta, and know of two instances of positive test results (from the same testing source) for someone who was asymptomatic and immediately got another test that showed they were negative. So people should check with other people - Facebook is great for this - who have gotten PCR tests locally to see if there have been problems like that, and to find recommended testing places."

1. $60 CAD: Has anyone used Salud Digna near the Costco? PCR tests for 1000 pesos ($60 CAD).

response: "The general opinion in Mexico is that you should stay away from Salud Digna unless you're ok with getting your results over 48 hours after your swab. This lab is usually overbooked and their turn around time for results is longer than at other labs."

but on the other hand...

"I got my PCR test at Salud Digna, the cost was $950mxn ($60cad). I got my result in 12hrs. It was easy to book the appointment, I booked online through their website, and they responded through the WhatsApp app. Since I already had the app I didn't need to download it, and the time I was notified that my result was ready I had the option to download in Spanish or in English. Which was really convenient. I downloaded it in both languages just to be on the safe side."

Tips for Salud Digna:

They open appointments only 3 days ahead of time. The form to fill out online is only in Spanish. You will need the dates of your vaccines for the form. We did not at first receive our results through WhatsApp, but after contacting them through WhatsApp, it only took a few minutes to get them. The tests themselves took 5 minutes, they were very organized and efficient

2. $94 CAD: PVR Airport Parking Lot - I went to the test facility in the PVR airport parking lot for a covid test yesterday (PCR) as it was 1000 pesos less than being tested at the resort. 1500 pesos per person ($94 CAD) instead of 2500 for a test to return to Canada. I pre-registered at https://lmpolanco.com/. You will see a big white tent when you arrive.

"We chose to go back to the airport where there is a tent outside of the airport and I believe our test cost around $90 Canadian we went three days prior to our departure and we got her test back within two days easy no worries."

"The cost for two tests at 1,500 pesos each came through the Mastercard at $188.70 CAD ($94 each) . We arrived at the lab at 7:30 a.m. on a Thursday and there was no one else in line. Very efficient, one swab from nostril, another from cheek. The test result documents arrived via email in 24 hours although it can take up to 48 hrs. We loaded results, proof of vaccination onto ArriveCan app, answered applicable questions and we had no issues re-entering Canada."

3. $120 CAD: Puerto Magico Mall - near where the cruise ships come in, Puerto Magico it was called. We paid 2000 pesos per person (roughly $120 CAD). They said results would be in that day, but we found we never got them until around 10:am the next morning. Our friends mentioned they were leaving the next day and got theirs. I think once they knew we were not leaving that day or the next, they delayed results.

The good thing was we were able to do a drive through in our taxi and it didn’t cost us much for the cab ride there and back to the hotel. This location would be near the hotel marina section. The taxi drivers may recommend something else but this was the best place many of us found. The hotels wanted to send us to other places they were affiliated with, but cost was double.

When you arrive you scan a QR code with your phone, it pulls up a registration number and form you fill out. You complete the form filling in the boxes online, with your passport details etc, then you submit the form. After submitting, you get an email of confirmation noting your number and validating they have the correct email address for you. Then you wait for test results to arrive."

4. $120 CAD: House Call Covid Testing Centre - We found this company in Puerto Vallarta that I highly recommend. So far 3 separate friends have used them. They come to your house or hotel or wherever. He speaks great English. Test results in 4 hours. The fee is $1900 pesos. number: +52 322 383 2347

5. $120 CAD: Riu Hotels - (Palace Pacifico and Jalisco) do them for $94 USD. Results in about 12 hrs.

6. $150 CAD: Hospital Medasist - +52 322 223 0656 - Walk in testing site, test is done outside the hospital, in a little trailer. You fill out the paperwork in the outdoor waiting room where there are chairs. You need to bring your passport information for the form. Cost is $2499 MX pesos ($150 CAD). Credit card (Visa)is accepted. Very straightforward, whole process takes about 10-15 mins. Results are emailed and sent on WhatsApp in less then 24 hours! Very easy, highly suggest! There are a few other places in zona romantica that offer PCR testing, like emergency care by Hospital Joya, but they are appointment only.

7. $155 CAD: CMQ Hospital - We just returned from Puerto Vallarta to Canada and got our PCR tests at the CMQ Hospital on Basillo Badillo. We paid $155 CAD. You can book online. It's easy and they are very friendly there. We had our tests within 24 hours.

"Had a PCR test done at Hospital CNQ in Bucerias. Efficient and 2500Pesos ($155 CAD) each. Results in 14 hours."

"Our PCR test cost 2,500 pesos each (roughly $155 CAD). It was done at CMQ hospital at 8 a.m., we had our results by 3 p.m. the same day."

"I had my PCR test at the CMQ Hospital on Basillo Badillo (in Zona Romantica) I paid approximately $155 CAD. They were very friendly; I had my PCR test emailed to me in about 20 hours. *it’s about 6 or so blocks from the ocean. They were great to deal with - believe me, not all the places in PV have it together like this place: I’ve heard no bad stories about this location."

8. $175 CAD: Salud Sexual - In Puerto Vallarta we opted to have our tests done at our rental home. Luis at Salud Sexual (made an appointment by email), turned up exactly on time, tested the four of us and emailed our results in 14 hours. It was seamless and easy. They weren’t the cheapest (2500 pesos or about $175 CDN each),

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1. $94 CAD: Certus Laboratorio - Address: 10201, Paseo de los Héroes SN, Zona Urbana Rio. Phone: +52 664 391 1144 Price: 1580 MX or $94 CAD. Results were delivered in less than 24 hours via email. There was one person who spoke fluent English there, however most employees did not.

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1. $95 CAD: Mall across the street from the Playa Linda - The PCR test is 75 USD at the mall across the street from the Playa Linda. Results within 6 hours was the case for us.

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1. $139 CAD: The Crane Resort / Barbados Covid Lab - $109 USD. The appointment was at 10am, received results by email at 3pm the same day. The testing process was fast and efficient.. took less than 10 minutes for both my mother and I to check in and have the test performed.

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1. $38 CAD: Hotel Melia - "I had PCR tests in Cuba (Cayo Coco) done at Hotel Melia for $30 USD. They were performed 2 days before the flight and reported with a certificate the evening before the return to Canada. A multicoloured official document provides proof to be uploaded to Arrive Canada. Convenient, Cheap and cheerful!"

"I am at Melia Cayo Coco. Lovely hotel, people, beaches. The obligatory PCR testing for return to Canada is 30 $USD done at the hotel. The few hotels operating at this time are similar."

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1. $88 CAD: ADC - In Curacao the price for PCR was 70USD through ADC, there are a few locations on the island. Results took about 6 hours. Antigen tests were 20USD. They email you the results.

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Dominican Republic

Punta Cana

1. $63 CAD: Hard Rock Hotel - It's $50 USD per person for the first two tests, and then $90 USD for each additional person.

2. $70 CAD: Servilab Bio - We're in Punta Cana and needed our PCR tests yesterday. The hotel was charging $80 USD so we walked to a pharmacy close by. They charged $55 USD and we received the results with QR code 12 hrs later. They're called Servilab-Bio and seem to have locations all over. At Bavaro Beach they're in the El Dorado plaza. They'll also come to your hotel for $65 USD ($82 CAD). Definitely recommend if you're looking for an alternative to the hotel pricing.

"I had Servilab come to my room yesterday to complete the test and had my results within 12 hrs as promised. Quick and easy!"

3. $105 CAD: Referencia Labre - has been used by some Canadians, at the cost of $82 USD for a PCR test.

4. $105 CAD: Bahia Ambar Adults Only - PCR test is booked using QR code. We arrived 10:30 am at the Sports Bar with our Passport and flight info and paid with Credit Card $82 US each. Received an email 12 hours later with results. Took a screen shot and had to show it at the Airport.

5. $113 CAD: Melia Hotels - The Melia brought Pronalab onsite. They have a QR code you scan in the lobby to make your appt. The cost was $90 USD. We had email results in 13 hours.

6. $113 CAD: The resort was charging 90 USD. We booked it through the AirTransat representative. They charged us 85 USD or 105 CAD each. The guy came to our room to test and we got our results in about 24 hours. One tip is to thoroughly check the info when they send it. Mine had my last name misspelled and I had to keep on following up to get it corrected. Booking it through the airline rep definitely helps.

La Romana

1. $100 CAD: Dreams - Stayed at Dreams in La Romana. Test done on Tuesday for a Thursday departure, $80 USD. Results back on Wed so fast turnaround. Only issue to watch is that there were 3 of us together, tests are done by group travelling however only I got the email with the results. I checked and they had spelled the other 2 emails incorrectly so they weren’t received. If you don’t get your results in 24 hours it’s a good idea to check with your agent or the concierge.

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Tourists staying at a licensed hotel in Jamaica’s Resilient Corridors can schedule a PCR test to be conducted on property via a convenient concierge service.

Visitors staying in a private villa, guest house, or residence can book an in-person appointment at the closest Baywest or TSL laboratory location.

"We just returned yesterday from Jamaica and I can confirm that Couples resorts offers complimentary pcr tests if you stay there for a specified number of days. The resort pre booked it for us and we got the results in about 24 hours."

Montego Bay

1. $95 CAD: Baywest Medical Clinic for $75 USD.


1. $95 CAD: Technological Solutions Limited for $75 USD.

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Turks & Caicos

1. $220 CAD: Accu Diagnostics - It was $170 USD and results took about 24 hours.

2. $233 to $252 CAD: "I am currently in Turks & Caicos. The cost of a PCR test is between USD$185-$200. If any one knows of a clinic/location where the cost is less, please let me know. Thanks. Interestingly if you are a "belonger" it's $150. not sure why the difference."

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General advice

"You can get a PCR test for returning home at one of the many private clinics in Belize (for a price) or at most hospitals with an appointment for a lot less. You should be able to find them for around $50 USD."

"When you book an appointment be sure to stress that it must be a PCR (they get so many Americans they are used to doing rapid antigen) and you need the results in less than 72 hrs before your scheduled flight departure time."

"There are testing sites throughout the country. Try this website for a list of locations."

1. $128 CAD: On Resort - We got a PCR test last week at our resort in Placencia, Belize. They came to the resort and charged us 100 usd each. We booked it at the front desk. I am told that this is quite common for Belize and is definitely convenient. Results took about an hour.

Chris's note: 1 hour for a PCR result? See note above about just making sure it is a PCR test, and not antigen.

2. $252 CAD: Caring Hands Clinic - We just came back from Ambergris Caye, Belize. Got the PCR test and results in San Pedro within 30 minutes at a private clinic called Caring Hands Clinic. It was expensive but quick. Cost was $200 USD per test

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Costa Rica / San Jose / Liberia

General info

List of testing locations in Costa Rica

white or orange = has PCR testing capability

San Jose

1. $124 to $300 CAD: Morpho at San Jose Airport (SJO) - $99 USD for next day PCR testing. $240 USD for a 3 hour result.

2. $126 CAD: LABIN Lab - In San Jose. They came to us and had the test done at our hotel. Results took less than 24 hours.

3. $157 CAD: "We own a place in Jaco. Full PCR is $157 CAD ($125 USD) with results promised in 24 hours but we received them in 12 hours."


1. $114 CAD: Laboratorio DrSolis - Santa Rosa shopping centre, cost was $91 USD took 7 hours to get the results.

2. $124 to $300 CAD: Morpho at Liberia Airport (LIR) - $99 USD for next day PCR testing. $240 USD for a 3 hour result.

3. $126 CAD: LABIN Lab - We had a PCR test done by a lab across the street from the airport in Liberia named LABIN. It was $100 USD and they emailed results in 9 hours (not sure whether it is usually this quick). They will also come to you.

4. $130 CAD: Beachside Clinic - In Tamarindo, Costa Rica we got our PCR tests at the Beachside Clinic in Haucas. We booked our appointments online through their website and had our results emailed in about 24 hours. The cost was 130 CAD. They have English speaking staff and there was a tutorial on their Facebook page to complete the forms.


1. $160 CAD: Jaco Walk In Clinic - Friends had their PCR tests done in Jacó, at the Jacó Walk Clinic, at a cost of US $125. Results within 36 hours, but they got theirs in just under 2 hours.

2. $160 CAD: Lab MMI - Gives results in 24 hours.

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El Salvador

1. $126 CAD: Analiza Laboratorios Clinicos - They only take appointments thru WhatsApp. You can check their website.

"I contacted Analiza Lab, I called to ask if the results are in English - they said that it is only in Spanish. Then i wanted to make an appointment but she directed me to whatsapp (i was on the phone with her and she said she could not book because of policy).

So I contacted another place....MaxBloch Lab, they booked my appointment over the phone and guaranteed i would get English and Spanish record."

2. $126 CAD: Max Bloch Lab - They booked my appointment over the phone and guaranteed i would get English and Spanish record. PCR test is $100 USD.

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Honduras / Roatan

1. $102 CAD: Lab MOBI - I was able to get my PCR test and results in Roatan within 24 hours for 1990 lempiras if you book online. That works out to about $102 CAD. They also have other locations across Honduras for the same price.

2. $172 to $245 CAD: Here is an image of a price list of various locations with PCR tests in Roatan. They range from $172 to $245 CAD.

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1. $49 CAD: Analysis Laboratoria - In Porto Alegre. It was R$190 (C$42) for health professionals and R$220 (C$49) for anyone else. No appointment just show up. Results in 5 to 12h.

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Colombia / Medellin

1. $72 CAD: Unilab - In Medellin. The price was COP 220000 ($72 CAD), I just walked in without appointment,results in 4 hours.

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Ecuador / Quito / Guayaquil


1. $38 CAD: Emergency 8 Rescue Medi - In Quito. We had someone come to our hotel to do the tests. Our PCR test was $40 USD. We received our result 24 hours later.

Telefono: 2268432
7200085044 - E0496601 - 8A.01 - C1


1. $63 CAD: Hospital Luis Vernaza - In Guayaquil. The price was $50 USD and took 24 hours.


1. $100 CAD: In Ayampe, Ecuador they came to our hotel in hazmat suits and triple swabbed us. Easy peasy. The results took 24 hours. $80 USD.

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1. $68 CAD: I was in Iquitos, Peru and they charged $68 CAD for a PCR test and they come to your hotel. Just a phone call away. They were there within 90 minutes of calling.

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Austria / Vienna / Salzburg

1. Free: "My sister just came back from Vienna and if you take your test 24 hours before departure to Canada it’s free. If you take it less than 24 hours there is a small fee between 25-60 Euros depending on the time frame."

2. Free: "Austria has free self-test PCR test kits for everyone (non-residents too). I used that while entering Canada and heard from other friends doing the same when flying from Vienna to Canada. Here's an article about the test provider:

3. $82 CAD: Covid Test Station locations - In Salzburg, Austria they have free antigen tests with results in 20 minutes at Covid Test Station locations. They also offer PCR tests for 57 Euros, but we only needed antigen to get into Italy so I cannot say how long they take.

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Belgium / Brussels

General advice

You can find all testing centers near Ghent on the following website.

However, we advise you to contact them prior to your visit to explain that you do not reside in Belgium and you therefore do not have a Belgian Resident Card (some locations can only test residents from Belgium)

1. $60 CAD: Merode Metro Station - Took a PCR test for 41 Euros in Brussels near Merode metro station. Results in 24 hrs.

2. $70 CAD: Medina Lab - We got ours in Ghent at Medina Lab. Slick and easy for 50E and results were reported by email in 30 hours. Website is in Dutch but easy to figure out.

3. $95 to $191 CAD: At Brussels Airport (BRU) - You need to make an appointment online. 67 Euros for a normal PCR test, or 135 Euros for a rapid PCR test.

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Denmark / Copenhagen

1. Free: Various Locations - In Denmark, PCR tests are free for foreigners, results in 24 hours.

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England / The United Kingdom

- The UK government website gives a list of accredited testers searchable by region on their website, same for the PCR test to return to Canada.

1. $82 CAD: Testing For All - We’ve booked ours through a not for profit, Testing for All, which was highly recommended by the consumer reports periodical. And it was the best price we found at 48 GBP.

2. $94 CAD: Randox - I just came back and used Randox. They deliver to you and you do a self test and return it to a drop box. Got the results the next day.

Randox is a good company to use. reliable and prompt results.

You can use the following codes at Randox for a discount:

AIRCANADA21 - pre-departure test
AIRCANADA28 - day 2 and day 8 testing
AIRCANADA - airport testing

"I took a PCR test through Randox and they have a clinic near Waterloo station. 55 GBP per head and they’re quick (by 11:59 PM next day). Professional and organized with a lovely booking system.

3. $117 CAD: Collinsons Test Centre @ Gatwick - I used Collinsons drive thru test at gatwick airport 69 GBP for PCR. Also used Boots Chemists in UK. Book in advance (79 pounds). Both had results within 24 hours.

4. $133 CAD: Boots Pharmacy locations - I used the Boots pharmacy, in-store test and pre-booked it online through Recova. It was extremely efficient for returning to Canada.

You order the test. Once you have a code you can book an appt at boots pharmacy and they conduct the test, results came the next morning.

In addition, You can pre-order the 2 day arrival test (this one is antigen) to come to the address you are staying at. Delivery is tracked by the post office.

Once you set up your profile it keeps your info so it’s very convenient. You can also easily add family members to your profile.

5. $140 CAD: Collinsons Test Centre @ Heathrow - We just got tested yesterday at Collinsons Test Center at Heathrow airport. We had the rapid PCR test, results were back in 2 hrs. We fly home today, decided to stay overnight at Heathrow just in case test needed to be repeated but all went well.

The whole procedure was very quick and well organized and we got a 20% off coupon code from Air Canada.

The code is AC20OFF.

6. $142 CAD: Express Test Centre @ Heathrow - Express Test (terminal 2 or 3) offers a LAMP test (3 hrs for results) for 85 pounds.

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France / Paris

General advice:

"Folks should know regular pharmacies in France do not do PCR tests, only designated government medical sites. Some take appointments, and those are limited."

"Only problem was that the place we used delivered the results via SMS (text) but their software wasn’t able to send texts to our Canadian numbers. We ended up having to train it all the way back to clinic and get our physical results. I just want to warn others that may have the same problem."

"Tip: buying a SIM card for your smart phone will give you a France phone number that will facilitate receiving your results via text link."


1. $60 CAD: Bio Clinic - 40 Euros and emailed results in 24hrs, but they have limited hours(12pm-5?) , and no weekends.

2. $63 CAD: Le Labo Gare Saint Lazare - The PCR test was only available at a lab. It was 44 euros. No appointment was necessary and we had the results by email within 12 hours. They were very helpful and spoke english.

3. $69 CAD: Biogroup Laboratories Neuilly Sablons - 85 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine. Open 8 am to 8 pm daily, walk up service. Took 35 minutes to do on a Saturday. Results came within 14 hours. Cost 48 euros. Service excellent

4. $70 CAD: Doctolib - various locations in Paris, including the airport (CDG). 48 Euros and results within 6-9 hours. Super quick and efficient.

"They offer regular PCR test with a reporting time of 24-48 hours for 50 Euros. They also offer a rapid report PCR test for 70 Euros BUT it will only be done on the day of departure and can take 4 hours for results so that only works if you have a flight late in the day as they only open at 7am."

5. $72 CAD: Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) - We had our PCR tests done at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. I booked online for 4:00 on a Thursday and we paid 50 euros each (approx. $72CAD) We had the results emailed before 9AM the following morning.

"At the airport we waited 3 hours in line, part of the line everyone was cramped in a small space, people were being let in without lining up because of "special circumstances" and it took about six hours for the result."

6. $72 CAD: Cerballiance - 50 euros at Laboratoire Cerballiance, no appointments need, results in around 10 hr. Very good service. Greatly recommended.

7. $100 CAD: Labo XV - It took about 6 hours for the result. 70 euros. I had to pay cash.


1. $65 CAD: BioGroup - Had the results back same day. It was 45 Euros each. You must pre-book on their website, they had next day appointments when we were there. Hours were 9-5. Multiple locations around France. There was no line and they were very quick. You need your passport. Regular pharmacies do not offer PCR tests in France.

Provence area

1. $57 CAD: Synlab - Daily PCR tests, 40 euros. Results arrive in 12 - 24 hours.


1. Free: Hospital in Toulouse (Purpan) - Got PCR tests (two Canadian adults) at the hospital in Toulouse (Purpan location). Results after 6 hours. No charge.


1. $70 CAD: Bioaxiome Lab - No appointment needed, 49 euros for PCR test, results in 12 hours texted to my phone.

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Germany / Berlin / Dusseldorf / Frankfurt / Munich

"Not many testing facilities open in Germany on Sundays; therefore, plan ahead."

Across Germany

1. $86 CAD: 15 Minuten Test - various locations and types of tests, weekends included. Cost for PCR Test after 24h was just under 60 EUR. AM test results also available.


1. $56 CAD: CTB - 39 Euros in Berlin, ready in 30 hrs, gurgle test.

2. $72 CAD: Coronatest.de - They have several locations. I went to the one close to the Friedrichstraße train station, which I find is the most convenient if you stay in downtown Berlin. I paid EUR49.99.

3. $85 CAD: Sofort PCR - got a PCR test done less than 48 hours before flying. I spent 59 Euros for a same day test (didn’t feel the need to do an express one for 99 Euros). But with this option the results come within 3-6 hours). I took it around 5pm and had results before midnight of the same day.

You can make an appointment, which I did but it didn’t seem to matter since I still had to wait in line. So this is something to be prepared for.

Government photo ID is required, they didn’t need to see passports or anything additional though.

There’s the option to do the test with a mouth or nose swab. It’s a group of guys running the whole thing, super nice and they all spoke German and English.

Overall the process was simple and the certificate i got via email had everything I needed to fly back to Canada.


1. $85 CAD: Centogene - Got my PCR test done at Duesseldorf airport by Centogene. Their price is 59 Euros, with a claim that 95% of results come back in under 24 hours, and they're located in a handful of major cities.

They do charge an extra 10 Euros if they have to incorporate an identity document (card, certificate, or passport) into the test result, but as far as I know that's not necessary for Canadians and I declined that option.

Everything went very smoothly in my experience and I got through the entire process in less than 10 minutes. The result came back around 21 hours later, on a Sunday.


1. $99 CAD: Centogene - This one just happened to be at the shopping centre I was going to at the time.

I went on a Thursday morning; very easy process. The person taking the swap said results should be ready by the evening, and he was right! (So alot less than the 24 hours).

2. $99 CAD: Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - In Frankfurt, at the airport (FRA), there is a highly efficient Covid testing centre. You walk up, tell them what type of test you want, how quickly you need the results, pay accordingly, have the test, and "Bob's your uncle". I paid 69 Euros (including taxes) for a PCR test with results within 24 hours. I received the results (via email) about 6 hours later.


1. $180 CAD: Munich Airport (MUC) - I had to get my test at Munich airport on departure date. 2-4hr turn around time for $180 CAD.

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Greece / Athens / Rhodes / Thessaloniki


1. $50 CAD: Athens Hospital - 35 Euros. Same day results.

"In Athens the 'Athens Hospital' in Kypseli shows a higher price of 55 Euros."

2. $86 CAD: Athens Airport - It was 60 Euros for a PCR test. Super quick process and results emailed back in 6-8 hours.


1. $65 CAD: In Rhodes it was 45 to 60 Euros max at private labs and pharmacies. Aegean airlines offers 50 euro plus 10 euro discount on next flight if you are flying with them. Pcr results emailed in 4 to 6 hours.


1. $86 CAD: Central Clinic of Santorini in Fira/Thera - 60 Euros (more if test is taken between 11pm-6am). Walk-in, no appointment needed. Staff spoke excellent English. Took all of 5 mins from payment to testing. Results were sent to me in less than 12 hours.


1. $72 CAD: DNA Therapeutics - 50 Euros in Thessaloniki. Iatrou Giannoudi 1 Pylaia 55535 Thessaloniki - 2311 243 395-6 | [email protected] - Same day. 8 hours.

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1. $54 CAD: Olsco - If anyone is looking for testing in Budapest, we just recently used Olcso and the cost was 13,500 Hungarian Forint ($54 CAD). Received results in 14 hours via email. You can make the appointment online and choose a location that is convenient to you. You can either pay by credit card online or pay cash at the time of your test.

2. $77 CAD: White Labs - Got my PCR test with White Labs. This is the second time we've used them and there are numerous locations in the city ... government fixed price @ 19,500 forints or CDN$77 at the prevailing rate. The one I went to was in a shipping container near Nyugati railway station. Results ready within 7 hours. The website is in English and Hungarian - easy to book online and then pay at the lab before your appointment. Cash or Credit Card.

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Iceland / Reykjavik

1. $65 CAD: PCR Test In Reykjavik - It costs 7000 ISK or approx $65 Canadian. I got my results in 4 hours. FYI for those who only need a rapid test, they're free.

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Ireland / Dublin / Belfast


1. $85 CAD: Randox at Dublin Airport (DUB) or city centre - 59 Euros, results within 24 hrs.

2. $99 CAD: GoSafe48 in Dublin. PCR test was 69 Euros (half of what I saw quoted in other places). Booked the day before online but they have same day appointment slots. I was out of the test centre in 5 minutes and it took exactly 8 hours for the results email with travel certificate.

3. $200 CAD: Boots Pharmacy locations in Dublin. It was easy to make an online appointment with Boots Drugstore. Not all locations do the test, but many do. We had the test results back in one day. It cost 139 euros.


1. $92 CAD: Randox at Belfast Airport (BFS) - 55 GBP, test at 9.15am results by 23.00.

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Italy / Rome / Lamezia / Sicily / Venice


1. $79 CAD: Doctors In Italy - Booked online through doctorsinitaly.com for the PCR. Paid 55 Euros and got results within less than 24 hours (although they promise 36-48 hours). This was in Italy of course and they have testing sites all over the country.

2. $86 CAD: SynLab - In Rome it was 60 Euros for a PCR test back in 24 hours max (ours came in 8 hours) at SynLab locations. Easy online booking.

3. $86 CAD: Data Medica - I booked a test using their app. Paid on site. Tested at 8:30 am. Result of the PCR test available within 5 hours. Cost: 60 Euros ($90 Cnd).

4. $100 CAD: Rome Airport (FCO) - At Rome airport it was 70 Euros for a PCR test and results back in 90 minutes.


1. $100 CAD: Centro di Medicina - In Venice I used Centro di Medicina for 70 euros. I called and book appointment.


1. $200 CAD: Lamezia Airport (SUF) - I had an RT-LAMP test done in Italy at Lamezia airport, done in 40 mins and it was about $200 Canadian.


1. $100 CAD: I got a PCR test in Taormina, Sicily-Italy. It cost me 70 euros, approximately $100 CAD$. I got the results in 24 hours.


1. $172 CAD: M Medical - in Modena was 120 euros, results by next day. No appointments, walk in only- was in and out within 15 mins at 730am arrival.


1. $50 CAD: Consorzio Laboratoria di Analisi / Centro Polispecialistico Diagnostica - We got out PCR test done at the hotel (Albergo Mirmare) we were staying at. It cost 35 euro. The doctor came in the morning and we had results the next morning. Great service, great price. Extremely convenient.


1. $115 CAD: Laboratorio Valdes - In Cagliari. Very good service. 80 Euros. Results in 24 hours or less.


1. $72 CAD: Centro Analisi Biomediche - It cost 50 euro per person and you could get result in overnight by email.

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Netherlands / Amsterdam


1. $70 to $100 CAD: ANWB - The ANWB is the Dutch equivalent of the AAA/CAA.

The 45 Euro price ($70 CAD) is only for members. Otherwise it's 69 Euros ($100 CAD).

We took the test on a Monday at 8:20 am and received the results per email before 10 pm the same day. And no waiting times at the test location

"You need to be a ANWB member to get the cheaper price but you can join for 15.50 Euros and get the discount of 24 Euros right away."

2. $98 CAD: CoronaLab - I got my PCR test in Amsterdam at CoronaLab . It cost 69 Euros and I got the results that night at 10:00. It was simple and they were actually quite gentle. Canadians need to know to download the ArriveCan app before they go to the airport and upload the results to the app.

"Avoid Corona Labs in The Netherlands. Their website is garbage and you cannot reschedule forcing you to cancel the appointment which they then do not refund you for your funds. I had to call Visa to dispute."

3. $109 CAD: Corona Snel Check - our hotel suggested this testing centre for 76 Euros.

4. $113 CAD: Covid Plus in Amsterdam. No appointment was needed, just walk in with ID. Location: 51 Leliegracht, corner of Leliegracht and Prinsengracht in the Jordaan neighborhood.

We went in the afternoon and had the results the next morning by email. If the test is done in the morning, results are available the same day.

5. $170 CAD: Test2Fly at Amsterdam airport (AMS). Book appt online.


1. $106 CAD: Corona PCR Testen - They have different locations across the Netherlands. The cost was Euros 74 each and the result came in less than 24 hrs. We showed up at the test center and didn't have to wait. When booking online you can choose to pay by credit card or by cash at the test center.

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1. $100 CAD: Krakow Airport Parking Lot (KRK) - I didn’t have to make an appointment, just showed up. 300 plan (100 Cdn). Test results in 24 hours. Logged into the labs website, put in birth date and special code they gave you and results were there.

2. $140 CAD: uPacjenta - It was $140 CAD, the nurse came right to my hotel room, and the results certificate was available to download in less than 24 hours (it’s guaranteed within 24 hours, but for me it was less). There may be some cheaper options, but this was by far the most convenient.


1. $130 CAD: Luxmed - 4 hours wait, need to make an appt online, or by phone, lots of appt available, very well organized.

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Portugal / Azores / Lisbon / Albufeira / Faro / Lagos


1. $86 CAD: Red Cross - In Portugal, the Red Cross does the PCR test for 60 Euro. They have clinics in Lisbon and Porto and maybe elsewhere not sure. I had my result in 24 hours.

2. $95 CAD: Joaquim Chaves Saude - My sister used them. It was 65 Euros.

3. $114 CAD: Rossio Metro Station - 60 Euros for the PCR test in the Square outside the Rossaio Metro Station (see pic). Results sent by email by midnight the day of the test (else usually within 24 hrs), except for Sundays. Bring your passport along. The antigen test was 25 euros. No appointment needed. If you need a paper copy as well, they can print it out for you at the pharmacy the next day.

"I just went to this location and it looks like the price is now 80 Euros ($114 CAD)."

4. $129 CAD: SynLab - I used the Rego location. 90 Euros for PCR, results in 10 hours Book timeslot in advance on the app, fill in pre-registration form before you show up, check in process took 5 mins, test took 1 min.

"They were very good! They have a location in Faro too! We did our test at 1pm and had results (PCR) by 11pm that same night."

5. $129 CAD: Lisbon Airport (LIS) - At the Lisbon Airport, the PCR test is 90 Euros (a bit cheaper for TAP Portugal passengers) and results are available within 6 hours or so.

6. $129 CAD: CUF Hospital (Infante Santo) - An appointment is recommended. Go to the emergency department and take a number from the machine. There will be a choice for a Covid test. The cost was 90 Euros and I had my results in 12 hours. The concierge at my hotel made the appointment for me.

7. $143 CAD: Unilabs - I had a PCR test through Unilabs in a Mobile collection site and emailed to me within 17 hours. 100 Euros.


1. $100 CAD: ABC Algarve Biomedical Center - It's in a tent outside City Hall. 70 Euros for PCR, results back in less than 24 hrs.

2. $115 CAD: Aqua Lab - 80 Euros and got results the same night, PCR test.

3. $144 CAD: Fit 2 Fly Portugal - We did this clinic down the coast in September. Easy booking. Results in same day. 100 Euros.

Faro / Lagos

1. $100 CAD: HPA Health Group - Got the results from the PCR test in 24 hours.


1. $164 CAD: Test It Lab at WOW Museum - In Porto, we did ours at WOW Museum. While Synlab is commonly recommended, their schedule isn't as convenient and closed on Sundays. Test It Lab at WOW had better hours and you can explore the museum exhibits and view of Porto while you are there. PCR test costs 115 euros and results are within 24 hours. We got ours in 4 hours. They also have an express option for 150 euros and antigen for 25 euros.

Portugal / Azores

1. $93 to $121 CAD: "In the Azores, a PCR test done at private facilities costs 85 Euros. The same test done at a government hospital will cost 65 Euros. Outside of Sao Miguel, Terceira and Faial, there are no private labs, so you'll have to deal with the hospitals."

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1. $135 CAD: Express Test - has been reliable and is the cheapest option in Edinburgh (80 pounds for their standard fit to fly - they have lower prices in some other Scottish cities). It's at Edinburgh airport (EDI), which is accessible by tram and very reliable and unfortunately the cheapest option I've found that didn't set off red flags about whether it might not be accepted.

2. $135 CAD: Glasgow Airport - Results guaranteed in 24 hours - received in less than 3. Fast, convenient and professional clinic in the terminal. Price was 80 pounds.

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Spain / Madrid / Malaga / Tenerife / Canary Islands


1. $85 CAD: Travel Covid Test at Madrid Airport (MAD) - Got results in 6 hours. No gurgle test unfortunately. 30 minute PCR test also available for $136 CAD.

2. $116 CAD: Dam Health - The cost was 80 Euros and the results were provided to us in approximately 4 hours. They advertised that the results are available the same day before midnight. There is a support line in English. The company is based in UK.


1. $86 CAD: Democratest - There were two locations within walking distance of the tourist center. Locations in many other cities too. Price of 60 Euros ($86 CAD), paid at time of booking. Professional.

They are only open mornings and not open weekends so the window for testing for a Sunday departure when we arrived on Thursday afternoon was not wide. Results by email by the following evening. Website does not offer English, but manageable.


1. $300 CAD: SBC Gibraltar Ltd - 180 british pounds cash or bank transfer. They have an office but they also agreed to come to the airport. We met at 7 PM and the results were ready the next morning at 6 AM. Good option if you are in Spain and need it quickly, because labs there usually need 48-72 hours to get it done.

Tenerife / Canary Islands

1. $121 CAD: I paid 85 Euros in Tenerife, guaranteed results in 24 hours, results in 10 hrs.

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Switzerland / Geneva / Zurich

General tips

You can try searching here for PCR tests around Switzerland.


1. $202 CAD: Pharmacie Bedat - in Geneva for 150 CHF. Under 24 hours for the result. Difficult to get an appt, weekend more so. Consider this if flying on the weekend. My suggestion would be to call various pharmacies, we were told by one pharmacy that 'no appts are available in any pharmacy for a week' and then this pharmacy did it right away.


1. $188 CAD: Toppharm Europaallee - this is one of the cheapest options for a pcr test near Zurich HBF in Switzerland (139 CHF). Booking for appointments in advance is recommended.

La Chaux-de-Fonds

1. $156 CAD: OneDoc - Appointments can be booked on their website for doctors OR pharmacies. 115 CHF.

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Turkey / Istanbul / Izmir


1. $25 CAD: Tourist Shops - In Istanbul the PCR test is 200 lira (25 bucks CAD) and available at tourist shops everywhere. A mobile nurse comes and swabs you. Feels super shady but it got me back home to canada. Results were sent in Whatsapp the following morning.

2. $32 CAD: The Senator Hotel in Taskim Square - I paid $32 in Istanbul for the PCR test, they came to me in my hotel and the result was back in 8 hrs. Everything was setup by the hotel.

3. $43 CAD: My hotel in Istanbul arranged a PCR test in the hotel by a nurse for 30 Euros.

4. $52 CAD: CNR Medicare - In Istanbul I used CNR Medicare (VIP PCR test) which was about $52 CAD. Tested at 5:30pm on a Friday and had results on required travel certificate about 5 hours later sent on WhatsApp.


1. $25 CAD: Movenpick Hotel - I had a PCR testfor 200 lira ($25 CAD). They texted the company and they arrived the next morning. They took me to the ambulance outside and gave me the test. The hotel had to help get the results because I never received them, but they printed them and brought them to my room.

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1. $63 CAD: Moscow Domodedovo Airport (DME) - there are 2 locations, results took 1.5 hours

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1. $47 CAD: Super Pharm - I had a very positive experience in Israel. The PCR test was done at a local (Petach Tikva is a town just east of Tel Aviv) branch of Shoppers Drug Mart, named Super-Pharm, and no appointment was needed.

The cost was 119 NIS, the equivalent of $ 47 CAD, and the results arrived by email less than 20 hours later.

I needed to present my passport during the PCR test.

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Qatar / Doha

1. $55 CAD: Qatar's Ministry of Public Health - Tourists can get accredited PCR tests in Doha, Qatar at the following locations.

Qatar's Ministry of Public Health stipulated that PCR tests cost 160 QR; rapid antigen and serology antibody tests cost 50 QR.

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1. $180 CAD: Team Medical Shinjuku - Seibu-Shinjuku Station. Fast service in English. Was in and out in 3 minutes. Most places in Japan are $225-$325 CAD.

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General advice

Check the website www.icmr.gov.in which is the Government of India approved list of Labs ( unfortunately there are a few fake ones around)


1. $12 CAD: Medica Hospitals - Prior to departure I got it done at Medica Hospitals which is approved by UAE and Emirates- Cost INR 750 ( approx C$12) results in 12 hours.

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1. $82 CAD: Laboratorie Anoual - in downtown Casablanca. Exceptional customer service, great location, no need for appointment, results arrive within 4 hours. PCR test cost - 600 dirhams ($82 CAD).

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